Forgotten Scrolls complete list and locations.
In this page you can see a complete list of Forgotten Scrolls and Amulets. You can also see where to get them.
Forgotten Scrolls and Amulets level 70 - 76
Improve Critical Attack.
Improve Magic.
Chant of Blood Awakening.
Combat of Pa'agrio.
Found in Catacomb of Dark Omens, Crypt Preacher (72).
Improve Movement.
Improve Condition.
Chant of Critical Attack.
Condition of Pa'agrio.
Drops from Soldier of Ancient Times (73) in Silent Valley area.
Improve Shield Defense.
Improve Combat.
Chant of Movement.
Chant of Combat.
Found in Catacomb of the Witch, Crypt Guard (70).
Evasion Haste.
Evasion Counter.
Drop from Warrior of Ancient Times (75) if Silent Valley area.
Evasion Chance.
Shadow Step.
Drops from Shaman of Ancient Times (75) in Silent Valley area.
Song of Windstorm.
Drops from Kleopora (80) on Island of Prayer.
Dance of Bladestorm.
Drops from Seychelles (81) on Island of Prayer.
Forgotten Scrolls level 81 - 83
Archer's will.
Fighter's will.
Magician's will.
These books drop from the Tiat and Beleth raids, they can also be found at the Auctioneers randomly. These auctions take place in Giran, Rune, and Aden every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We have no control over what items they have or when.
You can also complete the Freya quest called Request of Ice Merchant at level 82 for the opportunity to select one level 81 book. This quest is not repeatable, so choose wisely.
Protection of Elemental.
This book also drops from the Tiat and Beleth raids. It also has a chance to show up in the Auctioneers and is a choice from the Freya quest.
Protection of Rune.
Protection of Alignment.
Two of the hardest to come by books, you can choose these from the Freya quest or find them at the Auctioneers.
Expose Weak Point.
Silent Mind.
Sixth Sense.
Seven Arrow.
Star Fall.
Servitor Barrier.
These books are found at the dwarf NPC Shadai in Hellbound, for 259 Ancient Tome of the Demon and 12,000,000 adena.
Enlightenment - Wizard.
Final Secret.
Excessive Loyalty.
These books are obtained from the Gracia instance Seed of Infinity as a random reward, they can also be found in the Stakato Nest quest Only What Remains.
Anti-Magic Armor.
Enlightenment - Healer.
Random reward from Seed of Infinity instance.
Deflect Magic.
Turn Stone.
Dual Dagger Mastery.
Mutual Response.
These books can be found from the quest How to Oppose Evil at the Keucereus Base in Gracia.
Olympiad Forgotten Scrolls.
Level 83 class specific books are obtained from participating in Olympiad. You are unable to trade these books or buy them from other players. They can be bought with Tokens and Fame points.
(Note: all Forgotten Scrolls are available in our donation shop.)
**Additional quest guides offered here were not created by any member of the L2Vanir staff and are from external pages.