
Turkey boy...

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stratocaster's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 12/31/2013 - 12:57
Turkey boy...

Hello there guys.First of all,let me introduce myself.
I am Shoutemup ingame.

I would like to talk about the accident(i hope!) that happened today,in Turkey.
Even if i am Greek,i am really sorry.Really!!!!
Those feelings when a policeman kills by accident a kid,15 years-old,it's not the best thing that happens today,in these days.
I hope his family may find some courage to live without him cause it's trully painful.
I hope from the deep inside of my heart that his family,his friends,his enemies not to forget him!

Rest in peace,little boy..Rest in peace....

VERCOSKUYU's picture
Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 06/15/2013 - 00:52
Re: Turkey boy...

thanks Filipos thats is so bad mood in Turkey atm, elections coming soon and half of country support Tayyip, rest half is against it. And chaos on ground until elections happens. Berkin Elvan died by accident or purpose no1 knows still so sux 15 years old boy died in actions. Anyway hope all the best coming soon..