Can we please look into fixing auto following?
I would like to be able to auto follow with buff bots without them running through walls.
Can we please look into fixing auto following?
I would like to be able to auto follow with buff bots without them running through walls.
As you can see that has always been like this.
Depending my experiences with moving with 9 char at the same time, i can say you only this
Target urself with box and click to attack button once, then while changing between boxes do not minimize other box screen let it be active with the end there must be 9 active window on pc screen and go to your main, they will follow you better than a active player :)
What Arge says is true, when you minimize the window, it will last more time to load new textures and content and that can make the char to stuck or lose the auto follow.
I do that all times and with 1 box they get stucked on walls or stoped at kilometers of my main :D
Ya, it does not work for crap. So, this will never be fixed in the future?
When I set my healer to follow in catacombs of Witch, my healer stucks on walls, and constantly "..fall.." to the terain and spawns in the middle of Forest of Mirrors.
We will look at it...
It was always like that on all free Server and in Retail sometimes too.
The geodata problem with autofollow will never be fixed it takes too much time for the admins.
i remember on retail server at heine castle befor you enter the warzone ... there was a so big geodata bug XD
that we tryed with 7 Partys to take it because 3/4 if all will disconnect 100%
Well the geodata can be fixed if we know the coords where it fails, since the world is so big, and there are just some spots with the geodata broken D:
There are not "some" spots. The entire world's geodata on autofollow works the same. Run people in to walls and they wall through the earth.