
L2Vanir Advertising Event

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Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
L2Vanir Advertising Event
Hello everyone!

In this event our focus is to bring more players to the server and we think that the community can help us with it! of course we're going to reward everyone who helps and participates in the event to grow the population. The idea of the event is to advertise the server on forums of Lineage2, MMORPG or other forums that you think it would fit well.

We have also designed a system of points to reward the players who participate. Every point you have will grant you. 500 Event-Apiga. For example: if at the end of the event you acquire 38 points that means that we will give you 19,000 Event-Apiga.
Remember that the maximum number of Points that we will exchange to Event-Apiga is 200 (100,000 Event-Apiga) but you can still get more points for the winner positions which are going to be updated every day.

There are two ways to participate in this event:

1.- Posting a new thread.

We will reward everyone who makes a new thread in a forum that has some sort of relation of L2Vanir (Lineage 2, MMORPG, Online Game...etc) with points. At the end of the event I will evaluate every thread, as for where is located and how many views it has. The threads with more views and in better locations will get more points, while the others that have less views will get less points.
We will also evaluate where's thread, or if that specific forum requires X number of posts before making a new thread, that will give more points.
You should be giving me information (by PM) about what are the requirements when making your thread so I can evaluate your work and give you more points.
You should be using our template by using copy paste.

Posting a new thread on any forum L2 or gaming related will grant between 1 and 5 points.

Subject: [Freya 10x] L2Vanir, your Lineage II server
Body: We use BBC code which is the code used in most of the Forums

Here are some of the forums where you can make a post or a new thread (REMEMBER: Posting a new thread when there's already one thread is not allowed, we won't give points to those who make a thread when there's already an existing one)

2.- Positive comments.

We're going to reward you with 1 point for each positive comment you make, you can post in your thread or in other player's threads.
You can also comment this thread:


  • You should use the template above, you can change it a bit if the situation requires it, but make good use of the upper and lower case letters.
  • You must follow the rules of that forum.

  • You can't make a new thread in a forum which other user already did. (So pay attention before creating a new thread)
  • You may not advertise in other Lineage 2 Server's Forums.
  • Spamming comments won't grant you points, however, if you post wisely it will grant you a point, we will evaluate each comment to validate.
  • Remember that you are representing the server and the community of L2Vanir, hence, you have to follow the rules of that forum and be respective to the forum's community. The reputation of L2Vanir is on your good use of these forums.

  • You have to write your Vanir forum's name in the end of your post.

How to proceed:

First of all, to participate you have to send me a PM in forum to [GM]Sekai (me) with the subject "L2Vanir Advertising event" telling your preferred char to receive the rewards and the forum names that you have used or that you will use.
Then you have to post in this thread every action you have done (remember that you can edit your post here to add the links of your posts and threads that you have done. Every link must redirect correctly to the comment or thread that you have done.

At the last day there will be a ranking of the players who participated, and we will give rewards to the three firsts winners.
  • First winner: Clean Freya Weapon of your choice, 30 Vitality Maintain Potions (10min), 15 Vitality Maintain Potion (30min) and an unique and EPIC Mount of your choice (Maned Horse, Tawny Maned Lion, Steam Beatle and Jet Bike)
  • Second winner: Clean Vesper Weapon of your choice, 20 Vitality Maintain Potions (10min) and 10 Vitality Maintain Potion (30min)
  • Third winner: Clean Icarus Weapon of your choice, 10 Vitality Maintain Potions (10min)and 5 Vitality Maintain Potion (30min)

Participants and Ranking:

1.- Moroni Points: 128 (52500 Event-Apiga)
2.- Khazal Points: 94 (39500 Event-Apiga)
3.- Axime Points: 69 (10000 Event-Apiga)
4.- Hakamata Points: 4 (2000 Event-Apiga)
5.- Faz Points: 2 (1000 Event-Apiga)

If you have any question ask in this thread and I will answer in the FAQ post.

This event will end the 30th of November.

Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: L2Vanir Advertising Event

FAQ Post:

  • Q: What kind of emulator does L2Vanir use?
  • A: L2Vanir is using L2J.
  • Q: Can I win points only by posting positive comments on the threads that OTHER users made?
  • A: Yes, you can that's a good idea to get points! but don't forget that you can only get points by comments that make sense and have some lines written, for example a post cointaining something like "Good server, play." won't be counted as valid.
  • Q: What happens if my thread is deleted before the 30th of November?
  • A: If your thread is deleted it is because it doesn't follow the forum rules, hence, your points will be removed.
Damien Dark
Damien Dark's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2014 - 22:19
Re: L2Vanir Advertising Event




... another day another problem ...

Haka's picture
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Re: L2Vanir Advertising Event
Sherry's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: 11/04/2014 - 06:46
Re: L2Vanir Advertising Event




Fazu's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 weeks ago
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Re: L2Vanir Advertising Event
Axotl's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2014 - 11:01
Re: L2Vanir Advertising Event




Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: L2Vanir Advertising Event

The event has ended, congratulations to the winners!

1.- Moroni Points: 128 (64000 Event-Apiga)
2.- Khazal Points: 94 (47000 Event-Apiga)
3.- Axime Points: 69 (34500 Event-Apiga)
4.- Hakamata Points: 4 (2000 Event-Apiga)
5.- Faz Points: 2 (1000 Event-Apiga)

Hakamata (DELIVERED)


The Event - Apiga will be delivered as soon as possible!

Sherry's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: 11/04/2014 - 06:46
Re: L2Vanir Advertising Event

Still cant decide for the weap, but ill take a Lion mount tho :P

Ill get the Periel :)


Damien Dark
Damien Dark's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2014 - 22:19
Re: L2Vanir Advertising Event

i want an icarus pole

and thank you :)

And GRATZ Moroni !!!
GZ Khazal !!

... another day another problem ...

Sherry's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: 11/04/2014 - 06:46
Re: L2Vanir Advertising Event

Gratz too Ax :D


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