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tutis's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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Just gonna begin by saying how much of a loser and worst GM in a whole l2 gaming industry [GM]Sekai is, he is deleting any posts that are related to him, and any action that players might want to take against him are being left completely ignored.

First of all, this GM has clearly a very small knowledge about the game itself, and is helping one clan one day and another clan another day.  Any posts about a poll/vote for a new GM, a more competent GM than Sekai, gets deleted straight away aswell. Just wanna point out this individual was pm'ing me on how stupid/bad FallenAngels were for doing various things ( not gonna mention ) or how bad Astale was because they cannot compete against FA in a PvP, even thought he is playing a character named "Akie" and is in Astale. 

Overall just wanna say that this guy has 2 faces and he will say anything that will support his beliefs and not other players, anything that is in his own personal interest. Clearly this GM is not competent at all and it has been mentioned many times by many players and the only reason he is here is that Ignis is his brother.

So that is all for today, everyone make sure to post comments quickly before this post gets deleted, haha.

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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Re: [GM]Sekai

I have a question about people saying a GM helps a clan.  So, say a GM is helping Astale.  If a GM is helping Astale would they have gone for so long without a castle?  If a GM is helping Astale, why does FA have like 90% of the Heros and all the wards?  Please answer me, in what way is a GM helping Astale.....

Haka's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Re: [GM]Sekai

Loar the answer is very simple. For the same offence Astale players get 2h jail, when our characters get at least 16 hours. Another thing is Baium and Ant Queen for example, when Astale and Aequitas run and hit Baium with high level chars to spoil drop, which is violation of server rules, GM pretends he doesnt see it despite the screenshots and videoes taken. However, when such situation occured on our site it was instant jail. Another example GM seems to have closed eyes when it comes to Olympiad. There are loads of good players who do not violate rules this is undoubtful, but when feeding occurs on the side of Astale or Aequitas there is no response, on our side instant jail. Another example taking castles with alt clan, when we tried to take it our chars were paralyzed and GM said that castles are for active clans, fair enough, but when at recent siege alt clan was attacking us Gm commented it with " haha you can't defend against an alt clan? lol". Last example for now Seed of Destruction, seed is open we go there, pvp and pk and suddenly our characters are kicked from the game or paralyzed, cause there were too much PK and it spoils the fun of other players. This is only a top of the iceberg and the examples can be provided with different situations.

EDIT: IIm sorry Loar I misread your questions, here are the answers: Fa does not have 90% of heroes, look at the monument you will see that heroes are divided simialry between clans. Why Astale didnt have castle for so long? Because of their inability, not because of the GM, this is truth. About the wards we were defending them pretty well and the action taken by GM would be too obvious, Sekai is not a stupid person. Additionally, I do not deny his intentions, he was playing actively during TW or sieges and I admit that. All in all, with the questions provided by you, you are right, but the impact of the GM could have been seen in less obvious and less detectable cases, mentioned above.

Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: [GM]Sekai


First of all, tutis is also known as Misty or Kaix, he's been insulting almost every player and GMs in the server, and yes he was in Astale and now he's IP banned.


In both of the screens is Misty, first insulting SaLaM and then after I jailed Misty for 24h he began to insult me, after that he got permanent ban from L2Vanir. So I guess he's just making this thread because he still hates me for jailing him 24h. As you can see in the screen he says I support FA.

"Any posts about a poll/vote for a new GM, a more competent GM than Sekai, gets deleted straight away aswell."

This is not true, I have never deleted any post of someone asking for a GM replacement, I just delete posts that contain verbal harassment.

About me helping other clans it just doesn't make sense, even if I play Akie on my free time that doesn't mean that I will give privileges to Astale, I remember jailing RoraN when he was in Astale, or jailing Misty for insulting SaLaM.

The thing is that mostly FA members are the ones breaking the rules, so I have to punish FA more often than Astale or any other clan in the server.

About the feeding I have never seen Astale or Aequitas doing class based to feed themselves like Vali28 did.


Another example taking castles with alt clan, when we tried to take it our chars were paralyzed and GM said that castles are for active clans

It wasn't FA it was TR, the reason behind it was pretty simple, they had a castle with the clan TrapRock and another castle with an alter clan, they were trying to get a third castle, it was Oren, a castle owned by a clan named AlizanaShinobi, they were not many actives at that moment, so I saw it unfair and I told RoraN to stop "trying to take every castle in the game with alternative clans" I have to mention that at the time you could leave and join a clan without 24h penalty. Also they were entering this with the notion to "take all castles" and "dominate the server". There are times where as a gm I have to make a judgement call based on what's best for the server at that moment and this example was one of those times.

So I told RoraN to stop doing but he ignored me and told me that he would continue so I told him that I wouldn't let him do it, and then I had to Paralyze them when engraving.

when at recent siege alt clan was attacking us Gm commented it with " haha you can't defend against an alt clan? lol".

I would have stopped them, had I seen Astale acting the same way as TR was before.  I have never seen them try to take everything for themselves but if that is what they had decided to do then they would have been stopped too.  This is the same for any other clan that might have the same idea.  We are a small community here and must encourage people to stay not chase them away by being greedy when there is no reason for it.

Overall I try to threat everyone equally either if they are FA or Astale, I know I'm not perfect, and some times I might do mistakes, but even if I have played for Astale that has nothing to do on my GM decision making towards punishments. Also, from now on I will no longer be playing the game as I used to do on my free time, I will focus on being a GM.

GM Sekai.

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: [GM]Sekai

OK, I understand your point.  However, I do not see these jail actiona.  I do not go to Baium.  I do not go to QA.  I do not really do OLY.  So I have no comment on that point.  I was under the assumption that FA assumed a GM was helping Astale beat FA.  

Haka's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/24/2013 - 00:22
Re: [GM]Sekai

I dont know how to quote on this forum. I wasnt mentioning the situation with the TR clan, this is long in the past. I mentioned the situation when we as FA were attacking Innadril, defended by Aequitas clan, which was quite recent around a month ago if I am not mistaken. That was the case then. About the feeding first days of olympiad in each month are done by Aequitas clan, registering loads of characters, from which some are afk or in a grade sets. Of course it is in irrelevant class based, but still. You mention that FA breakes the rules more commonly, could you give examples? The case with Vali28 doing class based, was not in any case breaking the rules. There were 5 active players, 5 different IP and each fight was fought, armor was on, weapon was on etc. The explanation I've heard that characters attending the class based were not the main characters of the players behind them. 4 players decided to change their mains for one day and learn how to play in oly as a daggers, information about the changing main should be send to GM each time I decide to change my main character? I dont think so. GM says it was feeding, I can present it as not feeding and we have word against the word. However, the jail for Vali28 was not for the breaking the rules, cause he did not break any rules. Feeding is defined as letting win another character in order to gain olympiad points, I havent seen there any moment of letting win, Vali was simply better than others in this class based matches. And since to join oly I need a grade set and weapon +3, it is my concern with what gear I join olympiad, I meet the requirements about joining so what is the problem? 


loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: [GM]Sekai

It was feeding because not more than 1 of those characters moved at the same time.  Two fights started.  One fight had vali vs s grade dagger guy.  Vali ran to him and killed him.  While this happend I watched the other fight.  No one moved until Vali was done fighting.  To be honest.  If you have to create 5 daggers and make them noble to be hero you should not join OLY.  That means you do not deserve hero and should let someone else get it.  I know Vali is not very good at PvP without hero pots.  But, when I constantly hear, "Astale is feeding in OLY", it is ggrevating to see fake class based OLY.  To say this was an honest match is just flat out lieing.

I stopped playing Loar because I wanted hero and could never take it from DTK or Verc or Chaos.  Did I make 5 other titans to feed myself when they were not looking?  No!  I rerolled and ignored Oly until I got better.  I obtained hero with my ST by fighting only legitamit fights.  Now I hardly do Oly because I do not like it much.  I always like open field PvP was better.  Fun watching someone fake win a bunch of fights in OLY to get Hero then talk about how strong they are in global afterwards cause they can spam 100293019230190 hero pots.

Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: [GM]Sekai

Playing class-based like Vali28 did shows that he just wants to avoid the normal competition and get free and uncontested points. To me that's called feeding.

To get Hero you have to play real Olympiad matches, not just free matches with your clan mates and farm those points, I don't think Olympiad is about farming points, but about being good with your class and winning those points on real fights.

About normal Olympiads, yes maybe many join as with their alts and most of the times lose, but that's alright, you CAN'T decide who are you playing against, it's just random.

On the other hand, yesterday at the class based we saw Vali28 and 4 alts playing together, that means Vali28 will get to play with a 100% chance against one of those alts which means that he's getting fed. And on the top of that if you aren't a Treasure Hunter you can't join them, to me is boring and unfair, like if he was farming points instead of doing real PvP.


Sanctus's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/20/2013 - 12:02
Re: [GM]Sekai

oi oi oi, you still qqing about all this? i didnt even qq that much when i got banned for 5 months rofl. poor sekai 
so , first of all
- About Sekai having a char in-game. 
Even if he does why the fck u care :D . Even GMs on off got chars on srv (naia , chronos etc etc. ) . If u make a srv and u got massives pvps on sieges etc etc , tell me if u dont make a char so bitch please.

-Vali's feeding .
I saw it too but i cant say it was feeding. You should check the matches first. secondly check the accounts/IP's of the "bots". If it was some alts as u say then correctly he got punished.

And in the end , its a game : / . Get a life really

Chandra Nalaar
Chandra Nalaar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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Re: [GM]Sekai

All I dont like about you Sekai is chatbanning people too easily. Come on, let them talk.
Y no let gm have a char on his server? o_O GMs are I believe chosen among trustworthy people who are not likely to cheat and probably dont even find it enjoyable like little children, if it wasn't allowed nobody would want to make a server - too much work and no fun, if they play just deal with it and don't blame it for losing to him/her or anything, he's just a player like everyone, also a GM, but hey, a player - he PLAYS, does anyone know such words? Playing, joy, fun, relaxing? It's nice or so I heard.

Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Re: [GM]Sekai

Don't be ridiculous and try to hide the obvious vali's feed. If you were caught while doing something not quite right, you do not make a direct eye contact and mumble "I’m sorry, it would not happen again" instead of making up these childish lies, doh.

I might be seriously wrong (and I do hope I am), but it seems like someone's got a little bit of loosing, thus these someones are trying to put the blame on whoever they look upon - so it happen the look's fallen at Sekai who unluckily dared to ban/jail/para those greatest of us.

Either ways it seems like some vanir players somehow simultaneously got a period :S Chill guys, I know it's spring and being calm is not always the most reasonable alternative, but do at very least stop being that overly aggressive. Please?
