
New player requiring input

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zeldagaiden's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/19/2015 - 05:06
New player requiring input

Hello folks,

Former hardcore L2 player, back to whack some stuffs again for nostalgia's sake, now with a wife (wooptiedoo).
My alegiance to a server comes at a cost however, so I'd like to know some things before I start off giving my soul to L2 again:
- Is dual boxing allowed? As far as I know since I snooped around the forum, this is a yes.
- For about 5 years of L2, my main as always been a BD. I just like to watch that DE bootey bend over and dance. So, is there a place for me in this server? I might end up going SK for shoots and googles, but wife will need the support/stand your ground support. A WL maybe. Is there a place for us here?
- Are bots found in this server often? That's another nono for me.
- How big is the server population, give or take? Honest answer here, if there's dual boxing allowed, gief estimate.
- Is the comunity friendly? Given my poking around I'd say yes, but who knows, maybe I'm wrong.
Yada yada, thanks for the answers, answer quick!

kedzi93's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 01:40
Re: New player requiring input

ZELDA! O M G <3 :D
i will plvl you to 80 for that nick :D

-buffs are 1h and mainly boxes so an active support would be apreciated but for sure u wont stop at just 3 chars ;P
-no bots allowed, they're being banned
-online is about 300~400
-community is fine, except Salam, nobody likes salam ;)

Best Regards
The Allmight Me :D

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: New player requiring input

- Is dual boxing allowed? As far as I know since I snooped around the forum, this is a yes.


- For about 5 years of L2, my main as always been a BD. I just like to watch that DE bootey bend over and dance. So, is there a place for me in this server? I might end up going SK for shoots and googles, but wife will need the support/stand your ground support. A WL maybe. Is there a place for us here?

BD and WL are always welcomed.  It is hard to farm in L2 as a BD but in PvP you will be extremelly loved and hated.

- Are bots found in this server often? That's another nono for me.

Bots are banned when they are found.

- How big is the server population, give or take? Honest answer here, if there's dual boxing allowed, gief estimate.

I think around 120.  It goes up to 200+ at times then back down to 100.  Fluctuation is a headache.

- Is the comunity friendly? Given my poking around I'd say yes, but who knows, maybe I'm wrong.
Yada yada, thanks for the answers, answer quick!

I keep coming back because of the community.

volekf's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/26/2015 - 11:09
Re: New player requiring input

Community is great! 

It's my personal #1 reason to play here tbh. 

Boxes? Infinite. As much as you and your PC can handle. 

Have fun :))

