
A goodbye.

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sdouvvv's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 07/08/2013 - 12:36
A goodbye.

After 26+hours passed from my unfair perma ban to 4 of my accounts, and ofc not an official respond from anyone of the GM team i took the decision to say a goodbye to L2Vanir.

I started on this server with my best friend for fun, that was 2 years and 4 months back to time. As new players here and without knowing anyone in the server we joined into Zoro's clan TheNewWorld, there i met ppl like Chaos, Nesse, Yevaud, Loar, Zoro, Telumindel and others. The reason that we left? Telumindel xD. Damn Telu i miss you bro.
After our leave and without take anything as help from clan or members cause we stayed as academies and max a week as members, we decide to make our own clan and tryhard it alone and we did it. A small clan with name SoulNapS with me as a leader and 4 more guys as members.
Believe me when i say that Redrums was pain in the ass. People in Vanir they QQ today that they can not play as new members here and they don't have much help etc. We have to do with Popsycho BloodRush and the nova team on everything that we tryed to do as a clan. But we didn't give up. I helped my clan to grow up and get some gears and the result when i left the summer for holidays and came back was one guy from my clan with name Jackals emptyed all RoraN's items, the GMs said we can not do nothing. For one more time i tryharded geared up my char and started over.

That was the period that i met Kamil, VerCoskuyu. And our game totaly changed. Alt + P brother Alt+P. I will remember that for all my life and some of the ppl that you will read that message proly you know what it means. Kamil was into TrapRock clan and we made ally with those guys and after 1 week i took my ppl and joined into them, you know merged into lineage2 never worked before for me but this time the welcome from the TR was so big.
TrapRock was a family, is a Family. We are all family, that's what you will meet when you will open the clan info on main clan royal guards knights names and academy. Ghostrider, Zeyna, Vercoskuyu, Dayi, Ibneefe, Alpagu, Luv, Hybrit, Cardinalios, Sanctus, Sardanalos, Neverdie and all the other guys a big thnx to you guys for the momments we passed together the fun we had the battles we had and everything we passed together. TrapRock in da heart.
The reason that all my clan left the server and obviously now i had to leave with them and not to stay was the GM team. One of the GMs decide to invade into game with actions like paralise players into a castle siege because they were attacking into an enemy castle the same time that already had one castle for them. The rule about the castles was not exist that time, that rule came after 1 month after that maybe more. Perma ban accounts to players came because they spoke on shout and ressisted to that GM's action. Tons of chat bans. But we didn't stoped we decided to take the castle even if the GM didn't like it. And we tryed it once more untill we all get jailed or ban account. I have to mention that the GM did what he did because the leader of the Shinobi clan told to him that if TR took his castle he will take his clan and he will leave the server. TR was a clan of 40 active players and Shinobi a clan of max 10. The GM came to me and said the words "I prefare an empty server than a server with you and your clan in". And he got it after our leave. Max after 2 weeks our enemies had no pvp and after 1 month their clan wasn't logging i loged after 1 month and something and the Vanir was into tragic situation of online players. Max 15 actives online.
I took the decision to start again into Vanir, rebuild my clan and bring back some enemies also so we will have some action. Even that period the GM's was against me, I know i was a pain in the ass because i was talking always in shout but still i was getting chat bans all the time even jail some times.
Now i want to thnx Reload for the pvps that he gave us that period as he was the leader of the RedRum clan. But for one more time that didn't last too much. Gms involved one more time into game and again with bans made ppl leave. That's happening here all the time.

I took the decision before 1 month to come back again after a break of 4 months because of my work. The server was empty once more because FallenAngels clan left after DeathDealer's ban acc, and after the mistake for me that they made to destroy their enemies so they had nothing to fight anymore. So I made something that rearly do, i left TR clan and joined FallenAngels. Here i would love to mention that FallenAngels was one of my enemies clan and for sure i wasn't like them after things that happened on time. But i joined them. Salam :D bro i will remember also your reaction on TS after i joined ur clan was so funny. That clan invite totaly changed my think about FA clan. I had the chance to meet those guys as ppl and imo they are really cool. The ingame actions that they had in past was showing the differrent but you can easy missunderstood someone's behavor from his gamestyle. So a big thnx to KickaPoo that he said yes to take me into clan. Thnx to Salam, Hakamata, Sela, Tores, Av3n, Saiid, Nacius, Dyafa and all other clan members that i met that one month that i am in clan. Thnx guys for the raids that you gave me the chance to do with you. Thnx for the TW battle that we made so fast and unprepared and we still got our way to do it. And for sure ty for the support that you gave me after the unfair ban account that i got now and the decision of some of you to leave with me. I felt that i am into a "family" again after your welcome into clan and we all know that my actions against your clan the old times was a sh1t :D but you still took me in and welcomed me.
I want also to thnx Reload for the olympiad momments that he gave me, he was my mentor. I mostly was against his ingame behavor but damn u man you are so faking good player and you have all my respect. Ty also for the battles we had the time we were in the same side.
A big thnx to my Friend Nasty for every faking shit that we did together and the fun we had.
A big thnx to Saeko. Saeko is awesome *.*!!! We started as enemies and we became best friends in time.
A big thnx to Roxyna and Wutang for their support the most of the times ingame.
A big thnx to Elune, Keinz, DarkSer, Nicoll and all other AlianzShinobi guys that we made ally the last month and they was awesome.
A big thnx to PAMPERZ damn you dorfy :# we lost the axe bro i am sorry for that.
A thnx to Mindless a new guy that i met ingame and spend sometimes together.
Thnx also to Faz and the guys into AoD.
And ofc a big thnx to everyone that i forgot.

And for the end a big thnx to all my enemies in years, ty guys without you the game will be so bored. And do not take it personal i do not keep but feellings for anyone of you, not even you zilko :D.

The reasons that i too the decision to leave are a lot. The biggest one is GMSterling. I never liked that GMs were players into that game on any server that i went. We all know that it happens but into Vanir i didn't like it mostly because they used their power for personal revenge. Guys you are just human beens you have power just into game and you had to use that power to not make ppl leave but bring more ppl into server.

Sekai, bro we had some funny times and ty for that. I believe except the mistakes that you made you made also pretty cool things to help the server grow but i believe also you was lazy to do more. Personal opinion and for sure no bad feellings.

Sterling i do not really why you hate me so much, but your actions here made ppl leave many times girl. Imo you must be removed from GM list. You made a good work as GM on the old times i can admit that but the obsess you have to ban players so much the time that server need players, and do not tell me is against rules etc. my ban was totaly unfair, DDs was too much. You always have the chance to give a player a lesson without just remove him from the server and low the community. Anyway no bad feellings for you also.

Reno you are not with us but thank for your work, also ty for that olympiad match that we had as Markiss i will never forget that momment.

Ignis no idea where are you bro, but thnx for the build up of the server and that you keep it on for that long. If you want the server to stay alive and active you will have to be more active and make changes, like change GMs, forum administrators etc. Maybe a reopen of the server would help.
Imo the thing that GMs was players and into clans made their opinion about some players kinda unfair.

Ty everybody for the times we had bad and goods... With some of u i hope i will keep contact and if someone wanna keep contact with me feel free to message me here with your skype info or facebook info.

P.S. If someone has some photos with me or my clan TrapRock i would love to have them also so message me here to send me somehow.

Goodbye Vanir... maybe one day...


nastymateo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 22:56
Re: A goodbye.

Roran the day I came back your ban was the 1st thing I see.  I wish I didn’t log to see it. I truly enjoyed all the fights, raids and moments we had. Imo the ban doesnt seem fair.  But like most of the things the gms have changed I don’t like the outcome. GMs imo here have hurt this server more then helped it.  I can remember when this server was on auto polite no GMs NO Changes. How great that time was. It was true l2 Retail like. Wasn’t that the point of this server? Retail like?

Good bye my friend


Haka's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 07/24/2013 - 00:22
Re: A goodbye.

Roro it was really nice to play with you, at first you were co.cky shouter, but then we started talking on prive and everything changed :-) and btw we know much much longer than this one month you have mentioned :D thanks for all the support, all curses and all good words, we will stay in touch for sure. Just to let you know I was so determined to make weapon +!6 because I wanted to be able to win with You and Reload, as it appeared even the best mage weapon in game couldn't get me closer :-) I still don't believe you that you didnt used talismans ;)

See you around mate, definitely on Facebook :-)

firestorms's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2015 - 08:15
Re: A goodbye.

Damned..banned??? for what?
I come with many german friends on this server to have fun with good players. And now i see..good players becomes ban. don't understand for what.
I hope the GM's rethink the whole again .the server needs players.
I do not understand the whole. shame something. This decision sorry Roran for you. and now a good player is gone

bye roran


ps for my stupid bad engl... hope you understand what i mean  ;-)

sdouvvv's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 07/08/2013 - 12:36
Re: A goodbye.

@Hakamata i promise you one thing brother when and if Rory get unbanned u will log him and u will check alone about the talismans... Ofc we will stay in touch we are clan members we are family :D

@Lefleur yeah its sad the way that gms here act on things. As i mentioned never used a bug and i was always trying to make the server more active. But i am a good player. I am also a cocky player thats true. But l2 is a war game if you want to be princess be my guest and "". Gms here always listening to players that was QQing about everything, the results are clear they emptyed the server. Ignis is away and he doesn't care so... Truth is that i love Vanir as server and i try really hard to leave. Now they banned my character they made it "easier" for me....


Disney's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
Joined: 10/05/2012 - 06:27
Re: A goodbye.

Ignis is away and he doesn't care so... So what else is new with this server- Lost count of how many times he disapeard for two to three months and then return with some drama moma excuse. and of coursse while hes gone no one can do squat to fix anything or adress anything. 

Elune's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 08/21/2013 - 18:35
Re: A goodbye.

We will miss you rory..  and we will cross my love. <3

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