
A few bugs

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zoian's picture
Last seen: 3 months 20 hours ago
Joined: 09/08/2013 - 15:17
A few bugs

Here are some bugs which trouble me recently and will be very nice if they will be fix in the future:

1.SOD-first room very often has a mob/mobs stuck in the wall. And when you cant clean those mobs,you cant open the door for the other room. Hate and other skills doesn't hepl. Its realy furstrating preparing for this instance so long,trying to find 2 hours free from your day,loging numerous acc's and at the end you cant do it!
2.Frintezza quest-The quest iwith 4 sepoulchers has the same problem! Mobs stuck in the walls i can not get the last item. One of the instances regulary get stucked mobs in the last room before the raid boss! The same furstration you wait one hour to be able to go in again. And sometimes i dont have this hour,coz i have other things to do in my life not waiting all day in L2. I even stop trying this quest,someone mention before that if i do only one instance from all 4 will get eventualy the item i did it around 5-6 time and nothing it keep giving me the same item.
3.The entrences of Catacombs-Recently you just are kicked back and have to try like 3-4 min to dive in!

And a few SUGESTIONS. Still lets other players give their opinion about them,but i think if most agree,will be better for the game to be added.

1.The quest items from Gracia to be tradable.
2.The quest items from HB to be tradable.
3.The options to choose amount of th mats in GC quests to be change with ability to choose total amount,not to click 500 times ifyou want to get 100 Adamantine! 
4.Atr Crystals/Stones rate to be change! As i know they are now 30%/50%. For me is much better if they are 50%/66%

All this could hepl a bit economy of the server. Still i want to see what the others think.


Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: A few bugs


First of all, thank you for using the forums and reporting bugs, this helps us improve and make the server a better place for everyone!

1-  Seed of Destruction: You are right, this instance tends to bug on the very first room, we are aware and it is something in our queue to work on. But if you happen to experience the bug again take into account that you could re-enter as many times as you want if you haven't killed the raid boss Tiat. To enter again you can either wait for the instancetime to end or bring a new character, make him Command Channel leader and entering that way. It will create a new instance and probably the bug won't happen again. We believe this bug is just random and happens occasionally.

2- This is a major bug that has been around a long time ago. We are going to give it another glance and if we can't fix it we will make some work around to get the quest item, so people can proceed with the quest and therefore, do the raid.

3- About the catacombs I'm not really sure what you mean, I have heard some players having problems getting in the catacomb by diving, I think you just have to click at the walls too and not the bottom all the time. If you don't manage to get in the first time try to get out of the water and try again by getting inside the water by the ramp instead of getting to the middle of the water.

We have read the suggestions you are purposing and we only see the Giant's Cave quest a viable change that would be useful and good for the community. About the Crystals rate we think it would be horrible to change these rates, since it has been this way since the start of the server. About the tradeable items, we think it should remain as it is as well.

Again thanks for using the forums and reporting these bugs, we will have a look on it and probably we will have it fixed on the next update.


zoian's picture
Last seen: 3 months 20 hours ago
Joined: 09/08/2013 - 15:17
Re: A few bugs

Thanks Sekai for the quick replay!
1.I will try use another char next time if happens the bug in SOD.
2.For 4 sepoulchers will wait for the next update hoping will be fixed.
3.Catacombs are actualy not a major bug,but i thought you can have a look at it.

As for the sugestions,ofcourse its up to you. Just i've been in srvers where you can sell the items from HB and a lot of player can find easy way to craft Dyn Armor and Dynasty Crusher for example. Becouse its ridiculous when i see someone is selling Crusher for 3kkk. The atr Cry/St also sometimes are having just funny rates. Recently i had ths rate-5/39 earth crystals and 12 failed stones in a row. After that happened of course none will be happy. When i have 40 crystals I expect 8/14 atleast to be added even with 30% chance...
I have one more sugestion considering Sell Mahum farming aria: PLEASE remove low grade mobs on the other side of the valey. Dont know for the others but for me its realy saving time matter after farm there. When you open your inventary is total mess. And losing time just to clean it after that its just not worth it.Still lets see what the other think about it,maybe there are other players like me. I just dont have all day free and even 5-10 min saved here and there are big deal for me.
Anyway thanks in advance.


Sterling's picture
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Joined: 12/03/2012 - 01:14
Re: A few bugs

I agree with removing the low level mobs from the sel mahum area.  This is something the staff has talked about doing before.  We'll see if we can't have them removed before the next update.


zoian's picture
Last seen: 3 months 20 hours ago
Joined: 09/08/2013 - 15:17
Re: A few bugs

Just 5min ago i use 19 Fire Crystals on a Vesper Dagger. Result 1 from 19!!!
Don;t know guys but check again if all is ok with Atr Crystals! Thats just ridiculous..

Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: A few bugs

Just what Sterling said, we always wanted to remove the low level mobs in Sel Mahum area, specially Pobbys.

About the element I believe is 50% for stones and 30% for crystals I don't think we will change this rate or any other important rate in the server, because it would be a really big change that we can not afford since the server has quite some time already. I think it's fair to leave these rates as they are now (retail).


loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: A few bugs

Crytals suck.  33%

Stones I think are 50%