
New player getting in

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kuboyah's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 04/12/2016 - 07:55
New player getting in

I'm getting here straight from Interlude low rate server and I have few questions:
1. Is Destro still the best farmer? I'm going to start with one as I see a NPc buffer with sd in towns and armors/weapons NPC too. I'd use it to get farmed enough to start a main char like DarkAvenger or smth else, idk what yet. Or should I start my main straight-up?
2. Should I manor? And if yes, what's the best money-maker or most neccessary?
3. Level lvls 20-76 in Catas/Necros or not, as there are better ways in this chronicle?
4. Would you add anything to my quest list or throw something out: Blank Scrolls, Dimensional Fragments, Coins of Magic, Warehouse Keeper's Pasttime, Seductive Whispers, Supplier of Reagents, LoA quest from Orc in Giran, ToI quest from Aden, FoG and Pagans and Ketra/Varka quests.
Any brief advice is welcome!

Also it took some time to find this server :/ I've been browsing server-list rank websites for a week and only today I found Vanir on one of them. I loved the features/info/rules. I'll surely add myself to the voters!

volekf's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/26/2015 - 11:09
Re: New player getting in


I will only answer few of your questions as I skip many of you wrote above in game.

1. Destro is probably best option since it help you farm Raidbosses later / instancezone Radiboses too. 
 - you can also start with Warlord - good for Cata and atm AA is most valued stuff 
2. ---
3. Cata's are really slow for exping. For exping make sure you fully use Nevit's blessing and Vitality potential. Nevit's can be bought at Priest of blessing that is in every town near GK, you need recommendations from other players to obtain exp bonus. 
4. Only quest I do is Seveng Signs at lvl 79.

We have a class master NPC that allows you to skip class change quests.
From time to time there is NPC Jack Sage or what's his name. He provide you with full vitality buff for 1h.  Located near GK in blue coat.

Try looking for a clan, there is Chocolate Factory and FallenAngels recruiting. 

Wish you luck and welcome to Vanir.



loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: New player getting in

1. Is Destro still the best farmer? I'm going to start with one as I see a NPc buffer with sd in towns and armors/weapons NPC too. I'd use it to get farmed enough to start a main char like DarkAvenger or smth else, idk what yet. Or should I start my main straight-up?  Starting with money making Warlord is good.  You can make tons of money that way.  But Titans farm raid bosses easier.
2. Should I manor? And if yes, what's the best money-maker or most neccessary?  If manor is being managed by the castle owners then yes.  AA is still the most profitable farm.
3. Level lvls 20-76 in Catas/Necros or not, as there are better ways in this chronicle?  There are better ways for faster XP but AA is so important here.  I would do those levels in catas.
4. Would you add anything to my quest list or throw something out: Blank Scrolls, Dimensional Fragments, Coins of Magic, Warehouse Keeper's Pasttime, Seductive Whispers, Supplier of Reagents, LoA quest from Orc in Giran, ToI quest from Aden, FoG and Pagans and Ketra/Varka quests.
Any brief advice is welcome!