
new player with some questions...

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Nyve123's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 07/31/2016 - 13:50
new player with some questions...

Hey there ppl !

along with a bunch of friend, we were feeling nostalgic about L2 and decided to find ourself server. However, i would just have a couple question that i couldnt seem to find myself around the forum and the website itself. 

is dualbox allowed ? for some reason, I couldnt find anything against it in the rules tab of the website 

what can you get from the donation token ? (is it pay to win ? ) or more like transfer class quest, hats, etc ? 

Roughly how many players are online at the peek time? 

maybe i just overlooked the answers  and will sound really stupid right now, anyhow thx for answering ! 
we're just looking to find that perfect server, low rate with a decent number of ppl playing on it to live Lineage2 again.

Have an awesome day !

i found a post dated of 2013 was just wondering how acurate it was lol :)


loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: new player with some questions...

is dualbox allowed ?   Yes. You can log on as many as your PC will allow.

what can you get from the donation token ? Noble Quest Item. Noble Stones. Elemental Crystals. Subclass Quest Item. Pretty Hats. Level 81+ Skills.

Roughly how many players are online at the peek time?  This really depends on the time of the year.  Right now there are 3 major clans.  CLannabis, Shinobi and CFA.  CFA slowed down a bit and might be back soon.  We have offline shops that count when you "alt b" to come up with the numbers.  We have had peak times I would guess close to 150 different people online.  I think mainly 60+ at peak times at the moment.  Summer time gets low numbers.