
How do the drops work in Lineage 2

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Ignis's picture
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How do the drops work in Lineage 2

In retail, people generally only get 1 drop of adena, 1 drop of equipable items or parts for equipable items, and 1 drop of general mats, potions, etc. Exception to this are raidbosses and grandbosses. Spoil drops are also an exception.

When you kill a mob, only a max of ONE item from a category is allowed to be dropped.

  1. Adena
  2. Equipable items and crafting equipable items.
  3. Almost all of the other items except seal stones.

If you kill a Chimera of Fire:

Equipable items:
Dark Legion's Edge: 0.0038%(1x) - 0.038%(10x)
Dark Legion's Edge Blade: 1.08%(1x) - 10.8%(10x)
Dragon Slayer: 0.0038%(1x) - 0.038%(10x)
Dragon Slayer Edge: 1.08%(1x) - 10.8%(10x)
Sword of Miracles: 0.0038%(1x) - 0.038%(10x)
Sword of Miracles Edge: 1.19%(1x) - 11.9%(10x)
TOTAL CATEGORY : 3.3614%(1x) - 33,614%(10x)

So, it's not so easy for Chimera of Fire to drop equipable items, only a chance of 33,6% to drop ONE equipable item.

Etc items:
Enria: 5.49%(1x) - 54.9%(10x)
Thread: 2.44%(1x) - 24.4%(10x)
Fire Stone: 2.64%(1x) - 26.4%(10x)
Metallic Fiber: 15.7%(1x) - 157%(10x)
Mithril Ore - 9.42%(1x) - 94.2%(10x)
Silver Nugget: 4.12%(1x) - 41.2%(10x)
Ancient Tome of the Demon: 60.1%(1x) - 601%(10x)
Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade): 0.132%(1x) - 1.32%(10x)
TOTAL CATEGORY: 100,042%(x1) - 1000,42%(x10)

So, Chimera of Fire always drops ONE item of this category.

Here's how to calculate the real drop chance of each item. Multiply all the items' chances by 100, if the result of an item exceeds 100, make it 100. (We only do this part with etc items)

Enria: 54.9
Thread: 24.4
Fire Stone: 26.4
Metallic Fiber: 100
Mithril Ore: 94.2
Silver Nugget: 41.2
Ancient Tome of the Demon: 100
Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade): 1.32

The total balanced chance is the summary of all the items for balancing drop selection inside categories, but if the summary doesn't reach 100, make it 100. Now to find out the real drop chance of an item, we need to take its drop chance and divide by 447.42, and if we want the percentage, multiply by 100. So, let's go:

Enria: (54.9 / 447.42) * 100 = 12.27%
Thread: (24.4 / 447.42) * 100 = 5,45%
Fire Stone: (26.4 / 447.42) * 100 = 5.9%
Metallic Fiber: (100 / 447.42) * 100 = 22.35%
Mithril Ore - (94.2 / 447.42) * 100 = 21.05%
Silver Nugget: (41.2 / 447.42) * 100 = 9.21%
Ancient Tome of the Demon: (100 / 447.42) * 100 = 22.35%
Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade): (1.32 / 447.42) * 100 = 0.3%

Now, we are going to do the same with Sonneratia and its etc drops because its total balanced chance is less than 100 and we haven't any item that reaches 100. We could do the same with Chimera of Fire's equipable items as well.

Fire Stone - 0.117%(1x) : 1.17
Leonard - 0.114%(1x) : 1.14
Metallic Fiber - 4.16%(1x) : 41.6
Mold Lubricant - 0.291%(1x) : 2.91
Orichalcum - 0.0766%(1x) : 0.766
Life Stone - Level 80 - 0.101%(1x) : 1.01
Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 80 - 0.0253%(1x) : 0.253
High-Grade Life Stone - Level 80 - 0.0025%(1x) : 0.025
Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) - 0.0058%(1x) : 0.058
Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 80 - 0.0005%(1x) : 0.005
TOTAL BALANCED CHANCE: 100 (48,937) We must make it 100

It is not necessary to do the same as before to know the real chance because we already got it. For example fire stone is 1.17%. The same happens if we do with equipable items of Chimera of Fire.
Notice that Sonneratia have also a TOTAL CATEGORY CHANCE of 48,937% so it is possible for it to not drop any item.

Usually when total balanced chance is higher than 100, the rate multiplier(10x) is affected and it's less. So Chimera of Fire's etc items' drop rate is not exactly x10, you must have to do this calculation to know the exact chance with the rate multiplier applied.

kuboyah's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 04/12/2016 - 07:55
Re: How do the drops work in Lineage 2

Wow. I'd never knew! Thanks for this :)

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: How do the drops work in Lineage 2

LOL, Ignis you are a nerd. :)