
baium's revenge!

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jaydgr's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11/10/2012 - 20:01
baium's revenge!

as u can see from the photo and ofc from the teleportation cubic we had just killed baium but one of the 3 of them still hunting me and i still receive damage..its like a ghost trying to take his revenge! HEEEEELPPP MEEE! xD

Ignis's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 08/19/2012 - 01:37
Re: baium's revenge!

Did the Baium caused damage or hit you?
I dunno, but I think this is a client hallucination. Because as I know each player saw different numbers of Baiums and others didn't see any hallucination, only one Baium.

Did the hallucinations Baium move?

When I say hallucination, I mean the Baium that you are not killing. I dunno if was really a hallucination or not.

jaydgr's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11/10/2012 - 20:01
Re: baium's revenge!

well as i remember at the beggining some members of my pt were saying 3 baiums and i didnt..but later i was seeing too..u could target only the one which we woke up the rest were like illusions couldnt click/target them but we were receiving some amount of damage of all of them. well from the photo i posted i was the only one who left behind the rest have left. and suddenly a baium appeared following me and giving me some damage but not all the time as u can see from the system chat and ofc i couldnt still target it was like illusion and trust us we werent drunk we have proofs as u can see  xD

p.s. (i cannot guarantee for mofo2000, he likes drinking a lot xD )