
Nobless Quest GUIDE!

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Nobless Quest GUIDE!

Level: 50
Start Location: Tower of Aden
Start Npc: Talien
Races: All
Classes: All
Repeatable: No (Party)
Reward: Experience; Ability to become a Noblesse

Prerequisite: Subclass Level 50 
Required materials: 1 Hellfire Oil, 5 Lunaragents (from Supplier of Reagents quest).
Start the quest at Talien, who is on the east side of the stairs leading up to Aden Church. He's on the staircase.
Teleport to Giran. Speak to Gabrielle, who is on the South side of the town square
Go to the entrance to Dragon Valley and speak to Gilmore. (If it is Seven Signs rewards week, you can port there if your side won).
Teleport to Dion. Teleport to the beehive. Go slightly to the northeast of the port location. You will find a cave with the Quest Monsters you have to kill. If you can't find the cave, open up your map and look at the yellow thumbtack. If you are right on top of the thumbtack and can't see the monsters, you are on the hill above the cave and need to go to the south to find the entrance to the cave. Kill the medusa looking quest monster and get the quest item.
Teleport to Aden. Speak to Talien. Teleport to Saints Necropolis. SOE to Heine. Go to the Magic Trader and speak to the Melody Maestro dwarf there.
Teleport to Giran. Teleport to Dragon Valley. Run west. Kill Malruk Succubus and Malruk Succubus Tauren until you get 10 talons. You have to kill a lot to get the 10 talons, the quest item drop rate for this quest is very low. It is not a last hit required quest, the drop rate just sucks. Return to Heine and speak with that dwarf again.
Teleport back up to Aden. Talk to Talien. (I forget if he send you to HV here or not). Teleport to Rune. Teleport to the Rune Castle Town Temple. Run through the temple to findVirgil, one of the three NPCs on a balcony. Get to know them well because they're all about these Noblesse Quests. Talk to him, he'll have you talk to the other two NPCs, one of which is his GrandDaughter.
Teleport to Rune Castle Town Guild. Run in and talk to the NPC there (I forget his name). Teleport back to Rune Castle Town Store, which will put you next to the GK.
Teleport to the Western Entrance of the Swamp of Screams. Kill Splinter Stakato Drones, which are matk resist and archer resist. They bleed. You will not be able to do this part of the quest alone at level 50. Everything here is social and aggressive. It is not a last hit required quest, the drop rate just sucks. You will obtain crimson moss. When you have 5, return to the NPC in the Rune Guild, who makes the medecine.
Teleport back to the Temple. Speak to the girl. She's happy and cured. Yay. Talk to Virgil again. He'll send you to Goddard to talk to Caradine. Teleport there. She's to the Northeast of the GK on the outer edge of town. 
Speak to Caradine and she'll send you to the blacksmith two shops over. He'll tell he needs one hellfire oil and 5 lunaragents (Supplier of Reagents quest in IT). Get them, go back to the blacksmith then back to Caradine and finish the quest. You'll receive experience, and Virgil's Letter. Which tells you that Virgil needs your help RIGHT AWAY! OH NO!
Congratulations, you've now completed Part 1. Only 3 Parts to go. Go see Virgil to start 
Level: 60
Start Location: Rune Castle Town
Start Npc: Master Virgil
Races: All
Classes: All
Repeatable: No (Party)
Reward Experience; Ability to become a Noblesse
Requirements: Subclass Level 60, Completed Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul - 1
1. To start the quest speak with Virgil in Rune Castle Town (in Rune temple) , he will tell you to speak with Kassandra . She will send you to Ogmar.
2. Ogmar will send you to Swamp of Screams to meet with Mysterious Dark Knight Mysterious Dark Knight location on the map.
3. Speak with the Knight and ispect the dead angels to find a single blonde hair.
4. Speak again with him and he will send you to one witch who owes him a favour - Kalis Kalis location on the map
5. Talk to Kalis Kalis location on the map and she will ask you for some items in order her spell to work.
6. Now you have to ask Alchemist Matild Matild location on the map for the items. Once you have them return to Kalis Kalis location on the map .
7. Kalis will make the spell and found the princess but you must hurry, cause the princess is in danger. Go to Valley of Saints
8. Chek where the yellow thumbtack is. Find the entrance of the cave. Here kill the quest monsters in order to obtain Orb Of Binding Orbs Of Binding. Now you must speak to all the 4 seals and use the orbs to unseal the unicorn. The 4th seal will take all of your orbs of binding. After talk to the unicorn, who comes alive and it turned to be the princess! Now return to Kassandra.
9. Speak with Virgil and you will recieveCaradine's Letter Caradine's Letter, which you need to start the Next Nobless quest(to start the quest you need level 65 of your sub).
Level 65
Start Location: Goddard Castle Town
Start Npc: Caradine
Races: All
Classes: All
Repeatable No (Party)
Reward Experience; Ability to become a Noblesse
Requirements : Subclass Level 65; Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul - Part 1 & Part 2
1. To start this part of the quest speak with Caradine in Goddard Castle Town. He will tell you that the princess needs some items to unseal her magical powers.
2. Speak with Ossian. He will ask you to hunt Pilgrim Of Splendor Pilgrim Of Splendor location on the map and Judge Of Splendor Judge Of Splendor location on the map in Valley of Saints. Hunt then until you get  Waterbinder Ring Of Goddess: Waterbinder and  EverGreen Necklace Of Goddess: EverGreen
3. Go back to Ossian with the items. Now you need to kill raid boss - Flame Of Splendor Barakiel Flame Of Splendor Barakiel location on the map in Valley of Saints. Only the people in the party who gets last hit on the raid boss will receive the quest item.
4. Return to Ossian, he will give you one box. You must bring the box to Magister Ladd in Ivory Tower.
5. Magister Ladd is at 3th floor. He will give you Caradine's Letter Caradine's Letter where is written that you must go back and speak with her when you reach 75 level of your subclass. Congratulations! Now you need just few more levels and you can start the Final Nobless quest!
Level 75
Start Location: Goddard Castle Town
Start Npc: Caradine
Races: All
Classes: All
Repeatable No (Party)
Reward Experience; Noblesse Status, Tiara of the Noblesse
Requirements: Subclass Level 75; Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul - Part 1 & Part 2 Part 3
1. Go and talk to Caradine in Goddard.
2. You will be teleported to the Coliseum next to the Lady of the Lake. Speak with her and you will find out that she is the Goddess Eva! She asks for your help. You accept and you become a Noblesse and receive Noblesse Tiara Noblesse Tiara .Grats! 

Aznakael's picture
Last seen: 5 years 6 days ago
Joined: 07/31/2013 - 15:46
Re: Nobless Quest GUIDE!

uff! very very long