hello, i'm a new player of lineageII vanir server, i started yesterday, the point is there is some freeze spike when i'm farming ........ i've already lost two vita buff, the problem is the fact that, sometimes i stop attacking the mobs and then i do nothing until they kill me , i cant log out, i cant hit him, i think i'm downloading map informations and stop uploading orders, for example whenever i freeze , i can hit myself with the secondary account (dual box) , i cant even cast a soe T.T, i dont want to keep farming with this bug.
freeze when farming oO
Sun, 03/17/2013 - 14:33
freeze when farming oO
Sun, 03/17/2013 - 17:30
Re: freeze when farming oO
Do you have freya client?
Sun, 03/17/2013 - 18:54
Re: freeze when farming oO
yep i do
Sun, 03/17/2013 - 19:08
Re: freeze when farming oO
do not hold down buttons. It appears the server does not like so much incoming data.
Press the button, don't hold it down. This will avoid freezing.