
GM shop/ Buffer

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Volcano's picture
Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
Joined: 04/17/2013 - 00:31
GM shop/ Buffer

i have seen a good GM shop before and i thought it could be very good here too
GM shop with B grade and A grade items (low gear only no top )
S grade and above shold be craftable and not in GM shop
and there was also an option in gm shop where u could exchange 10 pieces of a common item for 1 full item
for example: 10x common item- tallum balde = 1 tallum blade

since there is a buffer already, and i understand u want to keep all the classes balanced including all buffer classes,
u could add all buffs from human elf dark elf buffers except the improved ones
and add all 3 prophecies skill (fire water wind)
but not cov and magnus
could be more fair for us who cant dual box because of our scky computers and internet connections :P

Sterling's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 12/03/2012 - 01:14
Re: GM shop/ Buffer

Hello, patalidis!

Let me start by saying thank you for using the forums.  The fastest way to get in touch with the staff is here.  At this time, the only changes we are considering making to our NPC Buffer is the addition of the vampiric rage skill.  CoV, Magnus, PoWater, PoWind, and PoF will all remain unique to their classes, as will summoner buffs.

As for the Vanir Shop, you're idea about exchanging common items for real is interesting and something we can experiment with.  For right now, we won't be adding or removing anything from this shop.  However, this doesn't mean you can't craft your S grade if that is part of what you love about Lineage 2.  It is my understanding that the majority of people buy and wear this regular S grade while they are farming and crafting for their s80 and s84 gear.  That doesn't mean that you or other players have to use this method to gain equipment, it is simply an option for those that choose too and should in no way hinder your playing experience. 

We hope you enjoy your time here!