Double XP and Vitality!

Welcome new players!
In honor of the new players and increase in server numbers this last month we are celebrating with a few XP events.
From May 10th to the 13th you will be gifted with a double XP/SP weekend.
From May 13th to the 20th Jack Sage will be visiting our server to bring us the Eva's Blessing event. He will be casting the Blessing of Vitality buff on players. A player can receive this buff once every six hours. Along with this vitality buff, players will also be able to receive the vampiric rage buff and chant of victory. Keep in mind that these are limited time buffs, and will not be added permanently!
Happy hunting!
Haron Almeiida
Wed, 05/08/2013 - 20:29
Very Good Sterling!
Very Good Sterling!
Fri, 05/10/2013 - 23:44
Yeah Good Sterling and gm staff :)
Yeah Good Sterling and gm staff :)