Hi, my main sws and plz help me find clan which I would be required, because sheila makes me worthless, she has all my songs ;(
p.s **** admins don't close this topic, I try to find ppl who can help me because you can't
Edited by Ignis
Hi, my main sws and plz help me find clan which I would be required, because sheila makes me worthless, she has all my songs ;(
p.s **** admins don't close this topic, I try to find ppl who can help me because you can't
Edited by Ignis
I know what you talking a about, but you aren't going anywhere being disrespectfull to the GMs. In my opnion, they (staf) must keep the buffs for 1 hours duration.
This topic will be closed again because you still can't be respectful and ask things in an acceptable manner.
You are about to get a ban.