
Servitor's Inherit Buffs When Summoned

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loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Servitor's Inherit Buffs When Summoned

I know the official Freya notes are:
Pet / Servitor Changes: Any and all buffs applied to the summoner character will automatically be applied to their servitor pet.

I think changing it to having the pet/servitor inheriting all buffs cast on the summoner when the pet/servitor is summoned would be a positive addition to the server without breaking too far away from the official Freya ruleset.

As it stands, classes that rely on a pet like DA or PK are unable to use a mount or take the Gracia boat with their panther or phoenix summoned.

These classes rely on their respective pets to be competitive as they are a core component of that class. They either have to have buffers in Gracia (which can't be summoned back to the main world), or deal with the fact that they will be functionally impaired while in Gracia. 

The mount system is also gamebreaking in that these classes need to either be summoned everywhere or they need to deal with the impairment of their servitor/pet. 

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Servitor's Inherit Buffs When Summoned

Ya, that does hinder characters who rely on pets.

Reno's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 12/03/2012 - 19:19
Re: Servitor's Inherit Buffs When Summoned

As this is a retail script, It will not be changed. As beneficial as this may be in PvE, This would be far too overpowered in a PvP situation, such as the Olympiad and open PvP.
Thank you for your suggestion.


loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Servitor's Inherit Buffs When Summoned

Can we just have pets retain buffs when they jump on the boat in Gracia?  

Not really sure how retaining buffs will make people OP in open PvP, but you should not be able to apply all those buffs in OLY on your pet.