
TvT new map idea - photo/example inside

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rpgmaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 05/11/2013 - 00:41
TvT new map idea - photo/example inside

I make this photo to help the GMs make a TvT at Gludin every red dot is a spawn place, 22 in total, that's how TvT was in some other server I used to play & it was unbeliavable fun I did TvT all day long non stop, & I din't join TvT for the rewards I didn't care much to be honest although the rewards was very good, but because it was so much fun, anyway GMs must have in mind that all the indoors spawn places must be in a place away from doors, ppl outside must not be able to see if some1 spawn inside or not :) also we must have kills:deaths at our title & we must have custom buff setup with limited buffs before the TvT start, for example we choose 5 buffs from a list of 20 or more & that's the buff we will get when we enter TvT & every time we respawn, TvT must never pause no time to choose buffs everytime this process must be automatic, TvT duration must be 15' & as I mention already we must vote what event we want to play every hour, events with schedule must stop there is no point as no1 join them, vote is a much better option because we choose to play w/e we like & that's the point, I hope the GMs decide to try this out because I guarantee every1 is going to love it, it's time for event's to have meaning & purpose, & make the server more lively & give people something fun to do.

Carebear's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 03/23/2013 - 00:59
Re: TvT new map idea - photo/example inside

Im up for anything new and TvT...u can get rid of last man standing no one signs for that

Ignis's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 08/19/2012 - 01:37
Re: TvT new map idea - photo/example inside

For last man standing I thought that maybe we could give rewards to more people, like 1/3 people registered, for example if 20 ppl registered last 7 players to die will get a reward that will be better if you die later.

I have a question with that map, what happened in that server when people went outside the town?

Thanks for your suggestions, always welcomed.

rpgmaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 05/11/2013 - 00:41
Re: TvT new map idea - photo/example inside

I have a question with that map, what happened in that server when people went outside the town?

There was no invinsible walls if that's what u want to know, people was free to go outside & I prefer it that way I don't like boundaries & auto-teleports-inside (when u cross the borders) I have see those things in some others servers I have play & it's annoying as fck it disrupt the PvP & it may cause u to loose, so no borders, no invincible walls, no auto-teleports, leave the map open/free for every1 to go everywhere they want, btw I have help already some other server to set this thing up (unfortunately this server open just to cash in & didn't stay open for long...) I know that this photo is not the same as the exact loc coordinates, if u r going to try it I can go & write the exact loc numbers for all 22 spawn places & post it here in forum to help u set this up as fast as possible, just ask me & I'll help in any way I can.

rpgmaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 05/11/2013 - 00:41
Re: TvT new map idea - photo/example inside

Here's an example of how an event vote window looks like, also as u can see there is an option for buffs merge on this window this is the buffs we can choose to get every time we join an event at the start & every time we respawn after a death, that's the right way to go I suggest to change this schedule-event-thing & give us the option to vote what event we want to play, if u do that people will start join events from time to time compare to now that no1 join no matter what time is it & every1 ignore them, make this system to work non-stop votes must take place every hour & last for 10-15' & I repeat events must never stop no matter what time is it even late at night there is still people playing, not all of us play the same times & not all of us have the same timezones.