
Odd photos from Nippon and cats...

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Glare's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/20/2012 - 19:39
Odd photos from Nippon and cats...

I was thinking to put here also, specially I talked this clan, but here is some photos:
Photos from Japan, where I was like... 2.5 years ago:
Cat photos, specially who loves cats. Like Lust love them xD :
But from this link you can get easily to see all photos:
This is my small hobby. I got pretty bad camera; Canon D1000, so it's really crappy. But I still manage survived with it. But photos coming randomly, when I got time and I try to post something. Now I have mostly cat photos, since I and my sister are raising a kittens from animal shelter, who need human contact, otherwise they won't like people so easily. Also there is orphan kitten called Jokeri/Joker, who has no family at all and we try to teach him to live with other kittens. When he first time meet a kitten, he did ignore them and walked over them. But now he is playing with them, even other six ones are still too small.
And if link doesn't work. Just copy whole link.
Anyway, have fun XD

Ignis's picture
Last seen: 23 hours 43 min ago
Joined: 08/19/2012 - 01:37
Re: Odd photos from Nippon and cats...

Nice photos Glare! You are a cat lover!!
I've fixed your links ;)