
2 minor things

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loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
2 minor things

Hi Guys,

As some of you know I was MIA for about 6 months.  Now I am back.  I noticed that two things were changed that really suck.  Baium and OLY.  Now, since two things were changed negatively can we do some things positively?  Sekai, I hope you read this and take this serious.

1. Add shadow hats to the GA shop.  Either free or minimal GA. (I have been asking this for 2 years now)

2. Add Zaken, Freya and Tezza cloak quest.  10 wins and you get the cloak.  I think this addition would be really nice for the server.

3. Add Vesper Noble bonus.  In Freya Vesper Noble was never complete.  You only get Noble so you can wear the cloak.  Adding the bonus that was originally intended would make vesper heavy more relevant.

I would have chosen to make a voting post, but that is not possible on this forums.  No drastic changes should be made without the community voting.  That also gives the community the "thought" they matter.  Making drastic changes to certain areas of a sever that has been the same way for years without asking the community is an absolute poor management decision. (Like taking away NPC buffs without notice)

Please post below your thoughts.  Thank you and see you in GC lower for PvP Mr FA.

diego100's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 05/17/2013 - 02:59
Re: 2 minor things

Agreed specially about nobles set. Make vesper set nobles just to wear the cloak its bullshit.

zoian's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 09/08/2013 - 15:17
Re: 2 minor things

I support the suggestions! Would be nice to have real Vasper Noble sets finaly and i was thinking about cloak quest from long time. The cloaks  looks realy good and to have some options exept the Holly cloak is always better!

Martynas's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2012 - 12:41
Re: 2 minor things

Having RB cloacks would be very nice cuz of ele rezes would like to have them in vanir.. :)

Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: 2 minor things

It would be nice to add the "Try on equipment" at Donation/Event hats like in is on regular shops for 5 seconds, but I don't know how could we do that I don't like the idea of Shadow Items for less Golden Apiga because not every hat has its version for temporal item. On top of that we should do the same with Agathions I guess.

Isn't easier to PM me and ask me to show them the item equipped on my GM? or just google some images...

Aren't those cloak quests from High Five Chronicle?

About the Heavy Vesper set, it increases a bit the bonus given, not just the cloak thing...

Not Noble Set Bonus: STR +2; DEX -2; P. Atk./P. Def. +5.57%, Max HP +531, and Resistance to Sleep/Hold +70%.

Noble Set Bonus: STR +2; DEX -2; P. Atk. +5.57%; P. Def. +5.57%; Max HP +540; Resistance to Sleep/Hold +70%; Accuracy +4; Speed +5; Resistance to magic damage +1%; and the cloak slot opens.

I don't know what are you suggesting about the last one, I think the Noble Set Bonus works properly in L2Vanir.


EDIT: Oh, I see the "Accuracy +4; Speed +5; Resistance to magic damage +1%" isn't working... I will investigate on that.

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: 2 minor things

There is no proper increase in Vesper noble in Freya.  It was incomplete.  Those cloaks are Hi5.  It would not break the server.  It would not change the server from Freya.  There has already been changes away from Freya like the Dwarf festival spoil.  I think it would bbe a good cosmetic change.

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: 2 minor things

I think making small positive changes would be a great thing.  If you do this I will petition for a Sekai statue in Giran. :)

Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: 2 minor things

I like the idea of the Cloaks they look nice.

What do you mean by saying that the Vesper Noble was incomplete? NCSoft added those bonuses later on at Freya? or they added them at High Five? I think those bonuses (Speed, etc) are from Freya... but I don't know why they aren't on L2Vanir lol.

Ripley's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2012 - 22:09
Re: 2 minor things

If we change the vesper noble set bonuses, does that mean we get the hi5 version of the vorpal light?

In hi5 vorpal light got changed to stun resist, and I imagine a lot of light armor classes would prefer that set bonus. I know I would.

Pew pew.

Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: 2 minor things

Well I think we can't change Vesper Noble Set bonuses without changing all of them, and bonuses are from High Five.

About the cloaks I really like the idea but the items are from High Five and they just don't exist in our database, I will ask anyways to Ignis if we can make it possible.

About Event Hats I really prefer having people google for how it looks instead of making something that looks almost impossible to do, as I stated before, there're many hats that don't have shadow versions, and we can not create new items from nothing, we are not NCSoft! But I really offer myself to try out hats for any player who wants to see how does look a certain hat.

Thank you for the suggestions,

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: 2 minor things

Thank you for looking into this Sekai.
