I was just on two accounts. Both hung up. I had to close the L2.exe clients with Task Manager. Now I can not log into any of my accounts. It says the account is in use. But I have 4 accounts. None will work. Any suggestions??
Account is in use
Thank you for reporting, loar. [GM]Reno and I are aware of the issues and are doing our best to ahold of Ignis. Be patient with us!
So, this is not an isolated event?
On, one account I can get to the server select screen. But, it will not go any further.
All my a/c are not letting me log in either, 2 which crashed say a/c in use, others just dont allow log in at all.
Same here =/
Thx for keeping track of the problem already =)
Cant login too. Ive tried creating a new account. Same problem. Got to server select but cant login into Bartz. Then got disconnected and now it says "In use" again. So its a global problem =)
Yes, this is a server wide issue. But don't worry, we are aware and trying to fix it!
Thank god. For a second there I thought I got hacked.
same here just relax. take a break. eat drink go to bathroom
Big thx to the support!