
Attack Attribute Value

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music4you's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/27/2016 - 07:07
Attack Attribute Value



I understand its not a bug, its just the master and pet are dividing the value.

However, in official or other server, NC has fixed this with both master and pet can enjoy the same value. This is due to the pet's poor attack. 

Could you please make the pet can enjoy 100% of the value as well as master's?

Thanks & best regards

music4you's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/27/2016 - 07:07
Re: Attack Attribute Value Mistake Bugs

here is a clear pic

music4you's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/27/2016 - 07:07
Re: Attack Attribute Value Mistake Bugs


just noticed its only when my servitor attacks, the value turns into wrong character.

I am an elemental summoner.

music4you's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/27/2016 - 07:07
Re: Attack Attribute Value Mistake Bugs

just a few updates

Without pet, the value is correct. However once the pet is summoned, the value will be reduced to 28. 

As remember, when NC first brought elemental value into games, the summoner class's pet can only share 80% of the value, they finally gain 100% share to pet in the future updates. 

28 is 20% of 140, the master should have this 140 with pet both not cut into 2 and have 80% one and 20% the other.
Even then my pet doesn't have the 80% of value added to its attack per check. 

Please help test and fix it. The pet need to have 100% value as his master as well. 

Also the pet can not keep its buff once cancelled, is that possible to fix this as well? 


Sekai's picture
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Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: Attack Attribute Value


Here's some information from an external source about how this works on Freya.

Servitor Attack Attribute Inheritance
The 3 Summoner classes (Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master) share their weapon’s attack attribute with their servitors. At any time when a servitor is being used, it gains 80% of it’s master’s weapon’s attack attribute, while the master has the remaining 20% for him/herself.

Example: An Arcana Lord has a 300 Fire attribute weapon and has summoned Feline King. Feline King automatically gains 240 Fire attack attribute while the Arcana Lord has 60 remaining for his/her own attacks.

Servitor attack skills follow the same priority rules for attributes as player characters.

Servitors of other classes (Hell Knight, Maestro, etc.) do not gain any attributes from their masters’ weapons.

As you have told us the servitor takes 80% of the elemental attribute value and you get the 20%. Your character had 140 water attribute value, so after summoning your pet your attribute value got lowered to 28, that is the 20%.

As far as I know in Freya Chronicle the master shares 80% of the attribute value to its pet. The 100% for both master and pet might be on further chronicles.

About your last point, you mean that when a pet dies it loses all the buffs, I think that's, sadly, meant to be this way, but I will see if we can change it in a near future and give you a proper answer.

Thank you for using the forums!
