It will be easier to test ANYTHING if u add lvlup npc/gm shop or just give acces lvl to new players.
Beta Sugestions
Fri, 08/24/2012 - 15:18
Beta Sugestions
Fri, 08/24/2012 - 18:11
Re: Beta Sugestions
The server was in private beta for a long time.
We performed many tests and the server is very stable. The opening is this Monday, for this reason the rates are x10 and we won't wipe the server.
Minor changes may be made.
Sat, 08/25/2012 - 13:18
Re: Beta Sugestions
You do not mind , but I do not believe your word , and if I show up on the server , I would like to test a lot of things ranging from the classes for the quest, locations , etc.
Thu, 08/30/2012 - 15:12
Re: Beta Sugestions
@etorion we apreciate your support, you may enter the game and test as you wish if you find something we will be happy to hear it in a detailed and specific maner in the bug Report section.
thank you,