
buff and herbs

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XamantuS's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/03/2015 - 15:07
buff and herbs

When i get buff from buffer in town (for 1 hour) and after that get for example herb for critical(4 min) , effect is exactly the same but when herb time goes down i dont get focus buff(1h) back, it goes down. If buff power is the same i shouldnt get herb effect for 4 min. If herb is better than buff i should get herb and when herb goes down i should get my old buff back.

Sterling's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 week ago
Game Master
Joined: 12/03/2012 - 01:14
Re: buff and herbs

Hello XamantuS,

Thank you for the report, we will look into this ASAP.


Damien Dark
Damien Dark's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2014 - 22:19
Re: buff and herbs

altho i don't know for sure what the "right" way should be, i noticed on many servers it is exactly that way. The way is NOT to pickup everything laying around. Didn't mommy tell u not to pick up dirty things from the ground ? ;)

I'm joking here a bit ofcoz, but to my knowledge the herbs work exactly that way, they overlay the current buff and just end after a shorter time. Normally when u get buffed with THE SAME buff you get it also right? Otherwise buffing would be a bother, coz u would have to cancel all your buffs first. SO it works logically here. U get a new buff (herb in this case) with same stats so it cancels your previous one causing a nasty effect of finishing within 4 mins.

I guess this is how the game intends it.

... another day another problem ...

XamantuS's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/03/2015 - 15:07
Re: buff and herbs

We are going to be like retail yes? If not topic is to remove immediately.
On retail buff from herb working like i told, you can pickup everything what you want;p Now you have to look out wwhere you click, sometimes is hard to see herb, for example in shallow water.
Is easy to check how it works, just create account on (server name hidden)'s (free to play).

Reylegh's picture
Last seen: 7 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/23/2017 - 19:47
Re: buff and herbs

Refreshing this. I have a lvl 86 character on global, so I can download and show it.
The buff will be replaced, but it comes back after the herb wents off with the remaining time.
This is a known problem and it causes problems especially when critical power herb looks exactly the same as a mana herb (which should not be the case ...).