
Bug Reports

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Imm0rtal's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 02/21/2014 - 19:01
Bug Reports

Hello People many of you know me as DeathDealeR and i think you know sometimes i got a temper so 
by the chance that was given to me from the bug with the Jade Claws i want to say something for ppl to
understand that is not any kind of temper but more likely its beeing tired to wait for things that never happen.!
To start with i wanted to say that this server had many bugs over the time that i am playing here and before i play here
bugs that were fixed after people abused them for a long time and ofc had the chance to become better in this game as far as
gear goes !We wait from the gm and admin which bug is reported to be examined and solved, and when we say solved we mean a solution
which fits better the server and the ppl who play in it!!!
In some previous topics i heard of what type chronicle is our server and what we will recieve by playing in it(like stats pvp stats skills etc)so allow me 
to say that the sever we play in, is not a pure chronicle or client since they have been some alterations .
Like for example baium is like instance since when its up you cant see whats happening which really has no true meaning and why is that , its because the problem we had with baium was that ppl were entering and killing it with high lvl of chars in order to mess with ppl who try to kill it normal for 100% drop... so i dont understand how this is fixed!! we also have anthy... we all know the fact that uses no skills and thats not the problem the problem is the huge lag and l2 windows witch freeze at some points with no reason.... the problem is the mahums training areas where the lag is just huge when the server is not lagging.... 
To say here that the last 2 months the lag in this server is huge and ye i mean huge by any means.. and i say this cause in this server used to exist 0 lag... that was one of the +++ of the server....!!! farming became harder... olys are like you play joker since when doors open you just make your cross and just spam skills which you see if landed or no after 30 seconds..!!
In mean time a small but existing list of bugs like for example a visual bug by wearing an elegia heavy bp PVP says its Vesper Heavy Pvp still exist while they have been reported before months! and now you will ask me its a visual bug why should we bother to fix it....!! and i will tell you that this is what you do Game Masters... some that is not normal something that shouldnt be like it is is your job to solve it yours and the admins ofc whos is the server. so i realise you got a real life to things you need to do and i agree totally but months for a visual bug is not acceptable... and then we have the problem of ppl QQ and fck (sorry for the language) with the gms .... Ofc beeing a Gm is not easy but in this case ppl jump into the gms cause of what i said earlier.... bugs exist reported ones that had to be sovlved and they didnt and ppl wont be happy cause for them it seems you dont do your jobs...and please dont get offended i dont try to mess with you atm just saying some things ppl think but they dont want to say....!! cause when some1 is for 1 year trying to take his elegia set and then finds out that its called vesper.... damn it doesnt look nice to him!!!as for more things that has been changed in server ,they exist i just dont want to put them all since will take 3 days to write this thing...
To close with people expect solutions or when solutions doesnt appear fast enough then info, info them.
this lag is for months nobody does something about it, or at least we dont know if some1 does for example ignis since we dont have any info
Gms You are not bad ppl and ppl dont hate you cause of who you are!!!
Instead... they like you as people... they just get pissed sometimes from what is expected ingame and from what comes to happen!!!
With Respect To owner of the server Ignis and the Gm team Sterling and Sekai 
My Regards DeathDealeR

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Bug Reports

The problem is the GM's have no power.  With all do respect to Ignis, he does nothing at the moment to upkeep the server.  He has only poped his head in a couple times in the last couple years.  He may do some ninja stuff behind the scenes that no one sees, but he is not addressing the biggest fail of this server at the moment.  LAG!!!!  Hell, I will donate (x) amount of money to the server evey month if you change the location of the server in to a place that has better service.  Then, if you pop your head around once every 2 weeks to fix one thing we would all be greatful.  I know it does not cost much to maintain a sever of 100 actives and 200 buffers/shops.  The price is not that much.

 have for rent 2 dedicated servers :


Intel Core 2 Duo 3.2GHz (VIPRO Technologies)

Ram: 12 GB

HDD: 1 x 500 GB (7200 RPM) (optional SSD or SCSI)

Anti-dos: included

Internet: 1Gbit

Windows or Linux

UPS: Included


30 Euro/month or 300 Euro/year (2 month free)





Intel Xeon W3530 2.8 GHz (DELL)

Ram: 12GB

HDD: 1 x SSD (250GB) / 2 x 500GB HDD(7200RPM) 

Anti-dos: included

Internet: 1Gbit

Windows or Linux

UPS: Included  

45 Euro/month or 450 Euro/year (2 month free)



Optional(can be added at your request):

HDD (7200 RPM or 10000 RPM)


Imm0rtal's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 02/21/2014 - 19:01
Re: Bug Reports

For fck every1 will donate to keep our community open and stable again ofc and we will help if they tell us whats going on thats why we are here we play the server cause we like it... and we hate this lag... so please come up to us open up tell us you know this this and this is happening... and we will try to help as much as possible