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loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29

So, others have been crying a lot to me.  Kind of like the video below.

Apparently Clannabis is killing the server because we are killing Anthy.  Also, because we have killed the last 5 Baium's we are killing the server.  I can not do anything about Baium because individuals camp that not a clan. I will however assist everyone in Anthy.  Clannabis killed anthy May 29th around 2100 server time give or take a hour.  I was not paying attention.  So June 9th the window should be open with a 3 day window.  Once it spawns I will let the entire server know the day we will fight it.  We will give you guys a day or two.  If you can not muster up the people then it is not my fault.  I suggest you get the entire server to help you.  10 hour Anthy is not fun.  If you can not kill it with in a day or two of spawning then you need to stop crying. 

People are also crying all of Clannabis has Elegia.  Freya Extreme is just like Freya.  Anyone can kill it twice a week.  Yes we have blown up Elegia with EAS.  Just deal with it.  If you want to kill Freya Extreme we are not stopping you.  Zaken, Regular Freya and Tiat are the same way.  I have no clue who is killing Tezza.  Nor do I care.

People need to understand that clans before us dominated the server way longer than we have.  This is a competative PvP game.  Just because you are not in a clan that is dominating and you are not getting free drops does not mean the sky is falling.  Try harder!  Stop being mean to clan members.  Recruit more often and try to do things to keep clan members.  Create a clan website.  Get a clan VOIP.  Try to make a free clan website.  We also use Telegram.  I am posting the links to all of this below for help.

If anyone needs advice on how to keep people in your clan or how to recruit you can PM me on the Vanir foums or in game.  Good luck to you all.



Markiss's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: 10/02/2012 - 22:29
Re: Clannabis

Havent looked at the forums in quite sometime, so when somebody shot me this link.. i couldnt help but chuckle. Not that anybody would want to hear my opinion at this point but im bored, so il bite.
I will be honest, there is a few ways this post can be taken.. from somebody not in clannabis (or on the server anymore), arrogant was the first thing that came to mind.. which was kind of a shock.

Thinking that telling the rest of the server that other have told you, that your clan is killing the server probably wasnt the best idea you've come up with. Yes your clan might possess everything they will ever want in the game, minus 1 or 2 boss jewels and a few +16 weapons.. doesnt really mean you should judge the rest of the server because they cant do what your clan can. (the blowing ellegia up with EAS statement was kind of a dick move imo).

You mentioned that there were clans before clannabis that dominated the server longer than you, back then.. atleast when i played constantly, the server was a level playing field.. pvp actually happened and things changed at seiges and territory wars.. even if it was just 1 or 2 wards. People do play the game knowing it is competitive, but it requires balance.. which is long gone by now. (thank god this game wasnt made by blizzard or it would have never gotten this far).

I can't really agree with the fact that clannabis killing antharas/baium is the only way your clan is killing this server, there was a lot of greedy people in your clan the last time i logged in that would take everything they thought they deserved.. even from your own clan members. (Wutang/Roxy/Zilko/QueenLucy).. yall can bitch up a storm about the name mentioned but everyone knows it. You take heros from active players with alts, because you have gear for EVERYTHING under the sun.. then only fight your own clan members alts.. THEN state "try harder next month"?.. lolno. Sadly there are no rules for being Hero whores.. but your clan is full of them.. 1 person having 5 heros.. dick move. For the record i know others have done this in the past and i thought they were asshats too. (which i understand isnt something you can control, but doesnt help your argument).

I know you've probably heard all this shit before and its starting to sound like a broken record, but maybe you should actually consider what people are telling you is true.. Maybe if something changed, your clan might even have more fun than just logging into game to farm fame at territory wars/seiges.. instead of gearing your alts and boasting that you have more gear for your alts than most players have for their mains and nothing to do with it.. just leave epics alone..(obviously not freya ex) don't take heros away from active players with alts.. let the rest of the server fight over them.. even if its just for a month. (i know it wont happen.. but just consider it).
If new players can think for even a day that they might have a shot at being a well geared high end player (and not have to join clannabis to get what they want) the server might actually grow into something worth playing again.

I know nothing will come of this post other than flames from names iv mentioned, and spiteful comments about how i played, before walking away from the server to play solitaire because it was more entertaining than Vanir at times but.. whatever. You've heard the opinions of other people on the server, now you've heard mine.. Take from it what you will.


loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Clannabis

Eh, I just deleted my post I just did.  I do not care about the criers anymore.  I am over it.  Especially ones who log in 1 week every couple months.  Then insults people in global then yells at me for killing the server.  Water under the bridge.

ZefeR's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 11/13/2013 - 21:21
Re: Clannabis

lol good one.
Just so you know Markiss, last time antharas spawned thursday night and it was killed on sunday, time when noone else on the server cared or gave a fck about killing it.
About freya, all of you can make 1-2 titans and dual box low freya for weapons and zaken for sets until u make like +6 , add atribute lv 4 from GC upper/HB then get ready for freya ex aswell.
Farming has nothing to do with items, the ones clannabis have were made just like i said, do you think we had elegia from the begining?No, we farmed with moirai/vesper for a long time and we managed to do elegia aswell.The other clans problems are that they are not organized, you just cry better then go farm and gather 3 small clans into 1 bigger and do the same farm as we do
And for hero, why you even start with that?It took me 3 months to get items and beat the feeding of CF/AS or whoever boxes were feeded to get hero.But when you say we get your heroes, you mean that you want to make just 9 matches, maybe login a box to feed a win and then get hero?
Dude you serious?Hero should be the best of your class, not just 9 matches
Try to camp as we all do and log when there are oponents you can kill, you have 1 month to do that ;)
So like i said before talking at least think and don't just cry and blame others for your fault

Markiss's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: 10/02/2012 - 22:29
Re: Clannabis

sorry.. who are you?

ZefeR's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 11/13/2013 - 21:21
Re: Clannabis

some1 who is tired of ppl like you ;)

Markiss's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: 10/02/2012 - 22:29
Re: Clannabis

EvasQueen.. still trying to get the server to think you're awesome because you can talk smack lol, try harder..

Looking at the hero monument, you didnt beat anything in olympiad that wasnt in your own clan/alliance for your hero this month... nor does it state ANYWHERE in your history that you have won against anything in Chocolate Factory.  Good try though homeslice... #FeedMore.

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Clannabis

I fought Reload like 8 times and 5 hounds through my DB, BD and SWS.  Only reaosn why my BD got hero is because no other BD got 9 fights and at least one win.  But, I have never and will never feed.  Nor do I condone that behavior.  That is why I do not like Oly that much.  Everyone cries about it.  Seems most feed on a regular basis.  It seems that most people cry about everything on the internet anyways.  Do not bash Markiss.  He is a good dude.  He posted with a respectable reply.  He never cheated in Oly and never will.

The point of the post was giving the server Anthy death/spawn time.  Then allow everyone to attempt to kill it with no PvP.  Maybe someone can get a weapon barely better than a Freya weapon and waste 100 BEWS on it.  Anthy earing is the only thing  from Anthy that is really worth all the quests and time to kill it.  Besides the cool looking Lava that refuses to drop.  I will reply when Anthy spawns and the day Clannabis will fight Anthy.

Lithuenne's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/20/2013 - 20:37
Re: Clannabis

Oh shut up you english muffin!
You speak of people you know nothing about!

I couldnt help but rofl while reading a post from Mark. Since shots were fired by you first, and my name was brought up, there's a certain love triangle in this server which is so special and feels like they are so much better than anyone here. Get down from your heights, please. And I feel these words are not yours in general, its the two other triangle angles speaking. 
I've never been greedy regarding heroes. Tell me a time when I have taken a hero from active player. I can't recall such occurence. Most of the times its my archer's hero that has been taken away by alts (BY feeding).
Tell me a time when I have requested something from clan without providing help, in any matter, any way I could? Tell me, how is that greed, if I pay back by regulary attending to raids, within best of my ability - tw's and sieges. How is that not earned and how is that greed? If I have requested something out of clan warehose, I either trade something for it, or offer to give it back, if there's someone who needs it more than I do now. (Thats fucking right, I offered each time, and one of your triangle parts is a witness).
Regarding Clannabis - I don't know what is happening in server because of my limited play time, but I do know that clannabis has never been agressive playing. We don't capture other castles for fun or because we like to, most certainly one owned by an ACTIVE clan. Its quite alright if redrums or FA take a castle with alts, right? Cuz when I take a castle, I'm suddenly greedy as fck. I did put millions in that manor, keeping it up as much as I could, for people to have materials, just because im greedy as fck.
We don't really boast our capability to do raids, we just do them if and when convenient for us.
Somehow, when we started working together, we are accused of using cheats, bots or smtn, without even having a viable proof. (Salam's quote that he knows a bot when he sees one - makes me wonder, how?) Back when FA rocked the boat, and didn't even allow tiat crystal farm, or any other rb farm outside town, it was fine, right? 
These people in clannabis - they know what they are doing. Most of them multi-task heavily on every raid, I trust them and I believe they are, in most cases honest and they respect others.

And then there's a quote. The tree starts to rot from the core.. and fun thing is - Clannabis is not the core of Vanir.
Start by changing the GMS to someone who is ... less interested in IG affairs. ;)

I believe this flame war is pointless, fruitless, and most of all, useless.
Really, Vanir. Vanir never changes...

Arrows.. Arrows everywhere!

Zilko's picture
Last seen: 7 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/24/2013 - 21:02
Re: Clannabis

I assume that 1-person-5-hero thing was to me so in that case; thanks for the compliment about me having OP gear and calling me an asshat, but:
1. You have to re-think about me having 5 heroes. Remember I DO have an IRL brother, named (IG) Cornholio. He also does oly and got hero as well sometimes.
2. Tell me names of active Warcryers and Spellhowlers (and Adven. when there were non active online), which I am taking hero away from.


Chandra Nalaar
Chandra Nalaar's picture
Last seen: 7 years 12 months ago
Joined: 01/25/2015 - 13:24
Re: Clannabis



Let me take no sides.
Markiss opinions are troublesome, especially the bad ones.

In my country people say "if you want to change people start with yourshelf" i'd say it's the only way you can change anything at all.

When i read about medieval aristocracy i'm constantly wondering: What the fuck? Were these guys for real? Disgusting sometimes, abusing low-class and everything. So self-centered, self-praising, self-justifying and proud for no reason while having the funniest flaws and being idiots, some of them.

Then i wonder what would I do if i was one of them: Of course, i would protect those who can't do it themshells. I would be good to others, not worry about what I have, only so much that i can have enough to be able to help others. I would be so much better than them if i had the chance to.

Then i become one of them and i start thinking I shouldn't help them that much, it's not good for them, they don't deserve so much of my help, they aren't really as helpless as it seems, they don't need so much from me, I already help a lot i'm not obliged to do anything more nor should i be.

The only thing that changes is...
Point of view - it's a powerful force that changes the most selfless, altruistic people into egocentric morons who think they own (or should own) everything.

Ask people for a "random number" many times. They have tendencies. Even towards something as neutral as numbers.
Did you know even computers cant generate absolutely random numbers? Because of chemistry and quantum physics they are not absolutely random.
More random than hooman though.
Makes me wonder... what's our understanding of "random"? There's no such thing in the world. (<--- probably true statement)

Objectivity. Ask people "are you objective?" they will probably think "quite so, yes, i'm objective, i don't pick sides, i know it's hard to be objective but i am, i'm capable of that"
Hooman brains can't even perceive reality as it is. Look at a table. Touch it. Smell or even taste if you want.
You don't know how that table REALLY looks, smells, feels, tastes like.
We don't perceive reality as it is, because our senses are flawed and so are brains. Do you really think you can stay "objective" in a world like this? Do you think you can judge anyone?
It's confusing, but how should we deal with people then?
I don't know. Even the most obvious flaw in one's eyes can be a virtue in others' and vice-versa.
Solution? How to deal with people?
I don't know. I try to:
- ignore people's flaws
- appreciate their virtues and good deeds
- only stick to the people I like
- never think I'm better than someone else or that someone i like is better than someone i don't because my "liking" isn't objective.

I never became a medieval aristocrat, obviously, it's just a metaphor, somehow i managed once to  "emphasize" with the richer people and peek at their point of view so I understand them a little better. Besides, I'm unfairly lucky, compared to some; i have so much more than so many.

Sigh this looks bad like i'm taking Markiss' side.
Rich people often look bad from poor people's points of view and Poor people may look bad from rich people's points of view.
I don't know who's right, maybe nobody.
I don't care. There are trying all they can to be good, on both sides. Keep it up! don't deny others' values! Don't try to make them look smaller, less important, less capable or less decent than you! Doing these is a catastrophe, always.

People! Be nice!

Lol funny thing i wanted to stop writing after "hehe" xD feel free to ignore this post, really :P
