Hi all, i have problem whit connect,i log my nick name and password,see window whit trafic ping and servers press "confirm" and nothing is going on, is no errors and no disconect ,just cant to enter to the game my internet is 12 mega and upload 1m+gamer pack but i cant logging .
please if some one can help? what to do?
connection problem
First of all, disable your antivirus, if doesn't work try to restart your computer and just in case your router.
Usually doing this you should be able to connect, but if not, try to use other PC or borrow a laptop.
Well, tell me if it works.
i did,i detet the antivirus , one week a login wos ok and now its back...in the end of week i cant to log , and if i can to anter to the game i dont see no chat , no skills , no npc...what to do ? my internet work perfectly.
When just enter you cannot see any NPC, chat or skills usually is for the connection.
I'd tell you to do a ping, but you did it (you posted in other post).
Does this always happen on weekends?
yes,every weekend , all week anything is ok and only weekends problem
You open a p2p program on the weekends? Like eMule, BitTorrent?
Maybe you not, someone in your house, an unwanted program...