I would like to see some changes regarding crafting materials. I know crafting materials is annoyng for a lot of players even if they dont complain a lot about it.
Me for example when i craft i usually do 20 to 50 crafts at once if the items i craft require mithril alloy and up to 90 if they require crafted leather.
When i craft mithril alloy it takes me up to 4-5 hours to make it (that using recharger and 1-2 crafter friends when they are available)
And 4-5 hours to craft materials followed by a 30 seconds of disapointment when i see the crafting results aint fun.
That's why i would like to suggest to add basic crafting recipe materials to Mineral traders such as steel , varnish of purity , mithril alloy ect.
If you cant add the recipes at least please change crafting system , instead of making x1 per craft to make x10 materials per craft (and ofc required mats to make x10 to also cost x10)
Or maybe remove the requirement to have extra recipes to make materials at blacksmith.
I know you guys are trying to keep this server as much as retail as possible , but i dont think this change would be bad for anyone on the server.
This change aint to make players equip faster , since you still have to farm the materials to craft , but at least to save many many hours of boring clicks to make materials.
Thank you for your understanding.