Is it just me, or does anyone else get annoyed by the people that stand around the Giran GK begging for adena? "Adena me. Man. Adena. Plx. Plox. Adena. Omg. Halp. Omg. Adena." All the while they're spamming trades on people.
I hate that. A lot.
I get it, it's a private server. Not everyone wants to do the work involved or any work at all. But I also don't think it's the established players job to just hand stuff out to everyone who joins. Yeah, a couple mil here or there is no big deal. But, some servers offer "starter gear" that are in the form of exchangeable coupons or openable boxes in a characters inventory upon creation. It usually just consists of shadow no grade, or D grade, and a little adena. Probably enough for the first CC quest. As we all know, it takes very little effort to get 40+ here, so it would be a way for people starting to just immediately get to it. I'm not saying its going to stop all the begging, but it could help. Just an idea!