
I can't fish anywhere! ~__~

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rpgmaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 05/11/2013 - 00:41
I can't fish anywhere! ~__~

Is fishing work in this server I get a fishing pole/lures/shots & I try to start fishing in Giran bridge the one u pass to go to mage guild "u can't fish there" msg keep pop out I try around mage guild nothing then I went to Heine same thing there so WTF!? is fishing buged/disabled? why I can't fish anywhere???

(Have in mind the the the places I try to start fishing is the same places I was using for fishing when I was playing in the official servers so this all must work & be available for fishing, I say that before some1 tell me anything funky & make my head spin..)

EDIT: I finally found a place fishing works but out of town so this doesn't work right fishing must be able inside Giran & inside Heine there is something wrong here check it out plz.