
l2 letter evet

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kedzi93's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 01:40
l2 letter evet

Increase letter drop rate as it's kinda lame to farm for 1h and not even get 1 word

Muzyk's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 07/03/2013 - 09:47
Re: l2 letter evet

I farmed 1h - about 1k mobs in gc lower. Exactly 23 letters (while mobs dropped 36 element stones). Collected "FINALS". Reward?  1 revita pop. I would also suggest increasing drop rate.

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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Re: l2 letter evet

LOL, 1 Revita pop after 1 hour?  Woot!!! Sounds awesome.

raven32's picture
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Re: l2 letter evet

well the items more then good so if you want some of them you should work hard to get them... if you ask me the rate's are more then ok

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: l2 letter evet

I am still waiting for the events to target people who have been on the server for more than one month.  "They are coming!" I do not think so.

kedzi93's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 01:40
Re: l2 letter evet

loar if you dont have wl it makes u to get 10min maintance potion for 2h :D

Muzyk's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 07/03/2013 - 09:47
Re: l2 letter evet

Some stats:

3h exping GC upper - 3621 ancient parchments (every mobs drops one) so - 3,6k mobs killed.
5 times managed to complete a word. 2x LINEAGE2 2x FINALS 1x SCHOOL. Rewards: 150 Crystal A grade, 1x Revita Pop, 2x 30 min vitality maintain pottion, 5x divine stone.
Amount of dropped letters - about 80 (~2% chance).
Meanwile, in gc upper i managed to drop about 150 element stones - ( ~4% chance. Something to compare drop rate and drop effectiveness).
Now, judginig by giran markets price:  Revita Pop, maintain pots (~10kk) + 5x divine stone (~10kk) + 150 CA (~20k ?) = ~85kk tops.
150 Elements stones = 1,5kkk (i exclude amount of other items dropped which would give alot more).
I totally understand that there is a chance to get something better:
* Icarus Weapon Box, Moirai Armor Box - the only reason i would even bother to farm that event.
* Baylor's earring - which is crap (sealed dynasty+0 and +30 dark rezist) and somehow has rly low chance  (if its not bugged) to drop it from killing baylor. Core / Orfen are up all the time - you can kill them if you know how.
* Element Crystals - If there is only one cry as a reward - i would rather vote 9 times than farm this event.

My opinion: Event would be cool if it would be x1 server. But it's not. Again, i strongly suggest to adjust drop rate.


Sekai's picture
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Re: l2 letter evet

When will people see events like something "extra" instead of a way to farm items? I think the halloween event did too much damage to this server, since in that event the rates were a lot higher and people got used to that kind of events, as I always said, if you don't like the event just don't play it.

About the drops it's totally luck, you can either get one Vita maintain 10 min, Icarus Weapon Box or Dynastic Essence II... It's all about luck.

The idea of this event is that meanwhile you farm or level up you can get those letters to sell, trade or turn into words. Anyways we'll look to increase the drop rate of letters.

GM Sekai.

Muzyk's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 07/03/2013 - 09:47
Re: l2 letter evet

Dear Sekai,

About hallowen event - yes, it's droprate were too high, but in my opinion:
- You talking about that event while You stand on totally opposite side - while hallowen event were giving a little too much, this event is giving almost nothing.
- Hallowen event wasn't something that caused major damages to server. It gave kickstarter to new players, and boosts to old players, but - yet again - it's droprate were too high.

I  assume You wanted this event to be good for players that need lvlups - a "new" players. So, considering the fact that this server is almost 2y old lets do some simulation.
I'm a new guy with lvl 1. how many mobs to i need to kill to get ~40 lvl ? ~100?
Now two path's:
1: Lets assume i have friends here, or i joined decent clan. Till 65 lvl i will kill ~300 mobs? After that i will ask friends / clan for pwlvl and get ~80 in max 1h. They will help you with getting a gear and farm.
2: You're alone or got sh~tty clan. Till 65 ~300 mobs, till 79 about 1k. Then 7s quest and You're 81,50%. So, now, after few hours of exping you can (probably) recive a reward. If youre lucky you get ica/moi box. If not, you get 150 CA.
Ofc you can sell that letters, but who would buy them? "Old" players?
This even would be "okay" if this server were x1x2x3 or just got opened.

If you don't like the event just don't play it

Paraphrasing Your words: If you make event that barely gives anything, don't make it at all.


loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: l2 letter evet


We gave suggestions of events for the majority of the population.  But, its all the same old events.

Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/09/2013 - 01:02
Re: l2 letter evet

Could not agree more with muzyk.
The events though could not ONLY be about farm. Why would you not bother making some pvp events for those who are old enough to be capable of challenging pvp? 
The rewards are by the way not necessarily got to be high/highly wanted. The events should be all about fun after all, shouldn't they? :)
