I'm getting terrible texture lag - I know my computer isn't great for gaming, but I've never had a problem before. If I can't figure this out I will not be able to play. I'm on lower detail, all graphics down. I'm getting red blood rain in the towns, and a GM told me I was running wrong freya client (I'm use to interlude & just used freya client I had from other server, and it worked so I kept using it). Now my lag is uncontrollable, unplayable. I d/l L2 client linked to this site, and installed - but when I try to patch with system folder it says I'm not rooting to the right L2 folder. I originially just had my L2 Folder for this latest client on desktop, but said I was rooting to wrong folder & wouldn't patch. I ended up moving it to my computer & renaming it to Lineage II folder (where it was originally trying to patch) and it still doesn't recognize this as my L2 root folder. Can you please tell me the problem? Or just post the system folder so it's not an executable file, so I can manually patch the client?
Thanks, sNeaks