i was not able to fight on oly because of lag.
jail and get the first 360 minutes? with her character here has ever been punished ... the first sentence should be smaller and not just for 6 hours
i was not able to fight on oly because of lag.
jail and get the first 360 minutes? with her character here has ever been punished ... the first sentence should be smaller and not just for 6 hours
ALL Olympiad first offenses are 360 minutes.
i frigging hate the new oly rules, they are fcked up ;D
cause now oly is like u cant even pee while at oly
90% of games are vs paladin
tho if we're already limited to 1 char at oly
at least make limit on fights
like 30 or 50
some paladins just camp oly all day all night and it's not funny to play vs paladins only
so make a fight limit up to some number decided by yourselves ;)
Best Regards
Ruler of the World. ;)
yeah and this is from where
Sterling im sorry but maybe i dont have good connection about you .... its fanny ... he come after 3 mouth and in first time he have jail becouse here are stupids rulez .... im sorry but i dont understund you why when you give him jail dont communication with ppl in jail ..... anytime ......
You can read GM Sekais detailed analysis of Olympiad feeding here.
conclusion: If you have bad connection and you try to go to oly you will be banned. Because there is no way how to prove that you are not feding.
I´m sorry you cant be hero anymore.
Best regards,
Oly or not, the server is laggy as HELL.