
In the name of all players!

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ZefeR's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 11/13/2013 - 21:21
In the name of all players!

I am speaking as a representative of the entire server.We need some new events or activity to do or we will die out of boredom.There is literally nothing to do here expect freya,COD and the rest of instances and SOA for atributes crys.I mean I DON'T NEED to farm anymore but since there is no pvp due to low population at least make some new farm with better drops then what we get so we would login daily because as it is now..i login for no reason other then just log boxes and stay afk or chat..Ignis pls do something for us(the rest who still have hope for server) and don't let us leave as the others did

karmina's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 02/01/2014 - 14:26
Re: In the name of all players!

I care about this server too but as i saw in the past,the GMs (Sekai,Sterling),Administrator (Ignis),they dont care about the server anymore and im sure they will not do anything about it,the new GM (Keto) he is doing the best to keep the server up but he cant do many things by himself.
I suggest and ask Ignis,Sekai,Sterling if they see this post on forum to do something about it (maybe some new GM's if u dont have time) cuz the server is not dead at all as they thinking, this server its awesome and we would like to continue playing here and for sure if new people (some new people join our server but they play 2-3 days and they leave because they dont see any action,so only GMs cand help with actions)come and play they will also support the server with votes and maybe with some donations that will motivate you to do something about Vanir.
I also want to thanks to everyone that continued to play here(they keept the server alive and you should appreciate that!)
If you ask yourself "ok what can we do for vanir" here its few of my ideas. - Make more events,be more online in server,repair Vote System or change it for more rewards.unban Roran xDDDD-if anyone else know other suggests please you are free to say it here!
Thank you and sorry if i said something wrong.
Peace up!

Trinity.'s picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 03/07/2013 - 12:49
Re: In the name of all players!
