
Oly :D

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kedzi93's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 01:40
Oly :D

Play oly :D
Lose oly :D
Go to jail :D

ok im out of here

Toad's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 01/10/2016 - 02:17
Re: Oly :D

why do you feed calisa so much? there's no sws main I think xD.

Rau's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 01/25/2015 - 10:24
Re: Oly :D

You're rly pathetic Toad... I feel pitty for you. 
That had nothing to do with feeding. Either that win with Ferra, either that win with me. He has just skills and a little bit luck, that's all.
Just cuz he's a SWS he is unable to win a fight? Try to hear to yourselfe.
Btw, yes, it is his main.


Toad's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 01/10/2016 - 02:17
Re: Oly :D

fazsws in oly with robes is funny too xD since when a SWS go with robes? that's just a feeder buffer!! and Calisa was really bad vs me, then she's suddenly good vs all you guys? XD cmon stop hiding the obvious, just admit it

anyways i love drama so you can keep doing this stuff I have so much popcorn to eat since I follow a popcorn-only diet when I play vanir.

Rau's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 01/25/2015 - 10:24
Re: Oly :D

1st off all we talked only about Calisa, not about fazsws, that's another story, 2nd dunno if you know but there are some differences betveen classes, one have it easy with other, some not.
You as a cardinal have good chances to win a sws, me as a EM not always.
Good for you and your drama shit. Take care ;) 
We are out.

Toad's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 01/10/2016 - 02:17
Re: Oly :D

I saw you diden't give your best vs calista because u want sws hero i can understand it but you need to understand the rules too, when i was in clannabis ask for BRITNI, queenLucy or any other if i let them win me or not...

so i think gm action are like rules say but your actions are too agressive in global and for one hour or more lol so dunno, it's sad to see you quitting but there's nothing to do :/

Lithuenne's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/20/2013 - 20:37
Re: Oly :D

So, I wasn't there to see it, but the way people told me this, there was nothing wrong with this fight, except the choice of equipment?
Jesus. Accusing of SWS going in robe vs Mage ? That's not a bad idea, considering robe gives casting speed, which is essential, and not to mention all the bonuses and increased mp pool. Sws is a tricky class to play. And with HVY master at only lvl 9, it's actually a possibility to be elastic with what you wear. You're not bound for certain armor. Heavy armor is a preference, true but the 9 lvls of HVY mastery does not give that much of advantage, not to mention being VS mage. and Mdef bonus from having +6 set.. well it's not so much, especially in oly. So please, thats just an excuse. In any way, archmage can beat sws/bd without much effort, doesnt matter if its hvy or robe. BD stands a better chance, due to multiple debilitating skills, which sws compensates with defense skills. I've spent a year of my 11 years in l2 life playing swordsinger. And mages were never easy to kill, no matter what gear one has.  And with heavy armor and shortened mana pool, chances decrease even further. It's not like mages can launch a physical attack, other than poking someone with its weapon.
And if losing means getting jail because of poor equipment, or poor equipment choice, or poor tactics and/or strategies, more than half the server should spend the lifetime in jail. Nowadays its hard to get that oly rolling. Especially if there's any OP tanks around camping it. So ppl reg chars to do oly. Who cares, as long as they fight to the best of that chars ability and equipment? Put restrictions - MIN +6 S80 set, +6 S80 jewels, and +3 A grade weapon. Or whatever. Rules are sketchy, and from sidelines, in this current situation, they are supposed to be in favor of players involved there.

Rules are rules, but the fight was commencing. He wasnt afking. Whatever equipment he has, why is all the fuss regarding this? I didnt notice there's a limit and restrictions in gear, except of +3 A grade weapon, that restricts you from registering. Make the rules more clear, before jailing someone. 
The Olympiad is limited to one character per player (IP), you can't skip this restriction by any means.
Feeding or staying AFK isn't allowed in any kind of match of the Olympiads, this means you can't feed other players in class based, non-class based or 3v3 matches. The Olympiad matches are for real and for active players only.
I don't see armor or equipment restrictions here... 

and callista, archmage that's not really maxed, not even 25% of its capability, vs 100% maxed out char. U kidding me now, comparing this? :D Besides, i'm sure there's no competition and she was only doing her 9 fights.

The more we dig deeper, the more personal it all seems. This, and a bunch more things ;) But hey, no bad feelings. After all, we want this server empty, right? 

It is my belief and was from the start, that oly should have been disabled at all, or better restrictions put in place. Those restrictions were offered by players and put up as possible solutions. (for example, only one HERO per active player!) With ever decreasing population, this should be the least of anyones concern. But, like always, kindly, or sometimes, not so kindly - disregarded. A good general listens to what his officers propose. And officers listen to what instructors propose. 

Brace yourselves, the end is near, for soon, nothing else than diabetes will remain..

Arrows.. Arrows everywhere!

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Oly :D

What is diabethes?

Roxyna's picture
Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
Joined: 07/20/2013 - 20:24
Re: Oly :D

What does Callista have to do with this? o.O

Lithuenne's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/20/2013 - 20:37
Re: Oly :D

You won, thats why. You are not allowed to win.

Arrows.. Arrows everywhere!

Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: Oly :D


I will remind you the rules regarding Olmypiads.

Olympiad Rules:

  • The Olympiad is limited to one character per player (IP), you can't skip this restriction by any means.
  • Feeding or staying AFK isn't allowed in any kind of match of the Olympiads, this means you can't feed other players in class based, non-class based or 3v3 matches. The Olympiad matches are for real and for active players only.

That means doesn't matter the clan you belong or the friend you are fighting against, you must give your 100% and try to kill your friend, if that doesn't happen it will end up being unbalanced for those classes that don't have a clan to help them.

But I think the Olympiad Feeding from yesterday is not that meaningful, the problem was after the punishment was served, Rau started to insult the GMs and write on global in Polish too, after getting chat banned for some minutes he continued.

We do not tolerate that childish attitude on global after a jail. Global chat is not for that purpose.

GM Sekai.
