
Olympiad Ruling

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Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Olympiad Ruling

We see that there has been quite a bit of confusion about the recent rule change to Olympiad feeding.  I'm going to address a few of the most frequently asked questions about this and try to explain as clearly as I can what we are expecting from our players here at L2Vanir.  I'm also going to clearly list what the punishments for infractions to the new rule will be.  We know that punishments have been inconsistent and we are working to make everything much more balanced and letting players know exactly what to expect.  All players will be looked at and treated equally, you have our word on this.  A GMs final judgement on these infractions is not arguable.  Players cannot always see what a GM can see and will respect the decision the GM/s come to.

What do you consider to be feeding?
We consider feeding to be when one player will purposefully lose to another in order to "feed" them your Olympiad points.  We understand that you will sometimes to be paired with a player equipped with superior skill or gear.  All we ask of you is that you try your very best in these fights.  Take your Olympiad buffs and fight him, even if you think you will lose anyway.  Standing AFK, not selecting buffs, swinging your weapon without the attempt to use skills, failing to turn on soul shots, and un-equipping certain items will all be considered feeding.  The player accused of being the "feeder" will thusly be punished.

Can we still sign for class based fights with our clan members?
No, class based has been de-activated due to consistent rule-bending.

What about 3v3 team Olympiad?
The same rules of feeding apply here.  All players on all teams must be played actively and equally to their best abilities, must be equipped the best that the player can equip them, and must use buffs and soul shots as in any other match.  Any team with a player/s not adhering to the rules will result in the ENTIRE team being punished.

Can I sign my buffers during clan Olympiad matches?
Yes.  Once again, you can sign any character that has achieved nobless.  As long as you adhere to the same rules based on equipment (common C-grade jewels are NOT adequate Olympiad jewels), buffs, no-AFKing, and skill use.  Any character that looks as if it is purposefully throwing an Olympiad match will be swiftly punished.

How do I report a player that I think is feeding in Olympiad?
Attempting to PM a GM should be your first course of action.  If you are unable to find one then taking a video is a much better way to show us what is happening in the match.  Screenshots don't often show us what we need to see, because we can't see who is moving and who isn't.  If there is an AFK player or one who has obviously un-equipped an item a screenshot will be sufficient if we are able to clearly see the infraction.

Repercussions for Olympiad feeding:
First offense, jail time of 6 hours to prevent anymore Olympiad for that character/s for that day.
Second offense, 12 hours jail time, even before or during a siege.  There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this time frame.
Third offense, 24 hours jail time, even before or during a siege.  There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this time frame.
Fourth offense, seriously?  If we get to fourth be prepared to be punished based on your history on this server.  This can be anything from 2-7 day bans to permanent bans.

Haka's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/24/2013 - 00:22
Re: Olympiad Ruling

Hello GM,

I have few questions based on what is written above. First of all you say that all players will respect the GM decision and GM decision is final, is there any higher instance we can go with the rulling? If no, there is a problem that all the decisions are subjective by the point of view of GM. I believe that decision of the GM should be objective and equal to every situation. About feeding you stated that feeding is not considered when character is dressed to my best ability. It cause another problem in my opinion alt char is geared to best of my abilities, in GM point of view is not and it links with the first matter, that decision of the GM is subjective. Even if I have Moirai Light set +16, in my opinion clean Draconic Light set is better and the character is geared to my best ability, cause imho this set will be much better than other and the best ability (unless defined) also includes knowledge, and according to my opinion and my expierience draconic would be better in this example, just a small case how subjective it is. Another example if I wear my elegia robe set(which is currently much worse than my Besper Noble set) to test the difference with stats it will be called feeding? Come on!  Again subjective point of view. Another question about feeding: I buff myself fully, I fight actively, I use BSSS but I use skills from first profession, I might say it is fighting to my best ability, according to rules above it will not be feeding, am I right? If no, then again subjective decision of the game is the issue. What do you mean by interrupting in class based? If I see one clan doing for example class based of Storm Screamer I cannot join because I may ruin their class based matches? 

GM I know it may be hard but since GM decision is final, WITHOUT higher isntance to complain, everything may be perceived subjectively and it doesnt change anything. Unless everything is defined clearly, all punishments are arguable. Rules have to be defined clearly and fully, in order to avoid any case which is uncertain, rules must be objective if we are about the follow them. 

My suggestion, if one GM thinks player is feeding, GM takes video, screen shots, arrest person until case is solved. Make a meeting with 3 people and present the case as in the court, you have player who broke the rules, 3x GM and you discuss about it, you present your proofs and player his. And after that Each out of 3 GMS vote and then the decision is presented to player. It may sound ridiculous, but it is fair to every player and is objective.

Remember about the very very basic rule: Person is innocent until proven guilty. It also applies to players!

Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/09/2013 - 01:02
Re: Olympiad Ruling


This makes me hungry :(

If you are a totally new player who thinks that drak set is best on SH then I have no problems about it. If I saw You using it with 1st prof skills I'd say you were feeding, simple as that. Don't even try to describe the feed in lineage oly with words - way too many aspects, you might as well go and write some AI, do a useful thing :D

My suggestion, if one GM thinks player is feeding, GM takes video, screen shots, arrest person until case is solved. Make a meeting with 3 people and present the case as in the court, you have player who broke the rules, 3x GM and you discuss about it, you present your proofs and player his. And after that Each out of 3 GMS vote and then the decision is presented to player. It may sound ridiculous, but it is fair to every player and is objective.

Apfff, hey this is european server, the videos are to go to EU commision, none other.

Sterling's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 12/03/2012 - 01:14
Re: Olympiad Ruling


I will briefly address a few of your questions, but I plan to ignore the fact that you want to argue and say that ANY player here is going to legitimately think that a clean draconic set is better than and enchanted s80 or higher set.  I see the point you were attempting to make, but using these examples was a detriment to your cause, so we will move on to the next points and pretend this didn't happen.

I'm going to use TH class based as an example here, only because it was the most recent class based called into question.   If FA organizes class based Olympiad and adheres to the rules but Astale dislikes it, they can sign to interrupt it if their intent is to FIGHT and follow the rules.  If they wish to signed class based on a character that no one plays and stands AFK hoping to get the FA lot thrown in jail then the Astale alternate character is the one who will be punished here.

As for GM ruling, this is not arguable, just as Sekai said.  Ignis, Sekai, and myself will look at any case necessary and come to a conclusion the three of us can agree on.  You were asking for three people?  Here we are.  Some cases will not need three people because the evidence is so very clear that no one can miss it.  Un-equipping items for example.  We can see when someone has removed your armor, your weapon, or your jewels.  So don't try to argue with us about this because it is likely to increase your punishment.

I'll briefly touch on your argument about skills.  If you personally attempt to fight and Olympiad match using nothing but wind strike, then yes, we will call it a feed.  That IS NOT playing to the best of your abilities and you know it as well as the rest of us.  Should you wish to sign in your elegia robes to see how they can compare to you vesper, no that is not a feed.  Elegia armor is more than sufficient for anyone on this server.  We are aware that most people will farm for better, but trying a new set that you've been working on is not against the rules.  Just don't try to win a fight in tallum robes and tell me you thought it was superior to vesper.  

I'm not as dumb as some of you think,

shamanking's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 11/29/2012 - 22:37
Re: Olympiad Ruling

According to what Sekai wrote he didnt have the right to jail Vali28 for feeding that time. We were 5 THs registered in class based we were ALL different players ... We were ALL moving/getting buffs/using skills/using SSS/ wearing armors (they were draconics but thats what the ALT char has equipped) and he still jailed him for Feeding ... from what i just read (Sekai's post) this case was ALL ACCORDING TO THE RULES! Am i right? Or you will just think out another addition or a way to turn the rule?
" What do you consider to be feeding?
We consider feeding to be when one player will purposefully lose to another in order to "feed" them your Olympiad points.  We understand that you will sometimes to be paired with a player equipped with superior skill or gear.  All we ask of you is that you try your very best in these fights.  Take your Olympiad buffs and fight him, even if you think you will lose anyway.  Standing AFK, not selecting buffs, swinging your weapon without the attempt to use skills, failing to turn on soul shots, and un-equipping certain items will all be considered feeding.  The player accused of being the "feeder" will thusly be punished." 
We all met all the requirements listed above but still Vali28 was considered feeding! Just dont try to say "But all but him were with S grade he was the only one with S80" or smth like that. As it is stated up : you can be paired with a player equipped with superior skill or gear .

KoS's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 07/02/2013 - 14:31
Re: Olympiad Ruling

That was 100% feeding.
Please stop trolling / drama and trying to bend the rules.
If you see a "glitch" in the rules that doesnt mean you should try to use it.

And the excuse with "they all decided to change main char for 1 day" ... dude thats fckin lame ! how old are you ? 9 years old?

shamanking's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 11/29/2012 - 22:37
Re: Olympiad Ruling

KoS .. Astale found a "glitch" in the rules too but they were allowed to use it and noone got punished! Its not about changing main... you got it all wrong. So you are not allowed to sign up in oly with alt char? As i see its allowed to sign buffers and any char you want if he is according to the rules specified: nobless with A grade equip and +3 A grade weap! So any other addition is fckin lame! We all played according to the rule .. so there wasnt any reason to punish anyone .. but ofc its FA .. so they have to be punished so we can chase them out of the server so Astale can feel comfortable and play alone!!! ( sorry for the harsh words ... but this is the only logical explanation i can find )

KoS's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 07/02/2013 - 14:31
Re: Olympiad Ruling

All these discussions go around what happened to Vali28 .. that he was jailed.
He played classed based games.
You know that was feed.
I know that was feed ... heck ... everyone knows that was feed.
Just stop bringing that thing into discussion.
Just find another thing to complain about.
If i were GM i would have just baned him not jail him ... but thats just me.

PS. i hate when ppl break or bend rules.
PS2. A dagger that needs feed? that fckin lame , this really looks like a L2P problem so dont blame Astale for the fact that some from FA dont know how to play a game and win @it

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Olympiad Ruling

LOL!!! I missed KOS...  Welcome back brother.

nastymateo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 22:56
Re: Olympiad Ruling

1 more ?. Can my kids play in oly?

Lithuenne's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 07/20/2013 - 20:37
Re: Olympiad Ruling

Oh my, oh my.. such feed. many wow. As for archers, i dont have that many skills to use, that would have any effect in outcome of battle. there are just 1-2. With certain chances, 2 more. Worthless.

Arrows.. Arrows everywhere!
