When scoring Reload - Roran - Verk everyone is scared and no scores, just as darkcritical Gabranth are different IP
When scoring Reload - Roran - Verk everyone is scared and no scores, just as darkcritical Gabranth are different IP
i feed with 28 chars in oly. Every one knows it. I shout it all the time. PPl want my points they can take em. I'm farming oly tokens. I agree with a poster above. Theres not much that can be done till more ppl do oly.
Change OLY times and I'll come back to do OLY for the sake of having more people.
Come on thats all? I want more hate for ppl who can't beat us in oly :D
The game is not only simple fights pvp or pve, you need strategy, diplomacy and more more things to do. (my opinion)
Euro clan made dusk without tell nothing to noone OMG lets report it.
Regnum Clan fight vs Astale and AlianzaShinobi and now they help them to take castle OMG lets report it too.
TrapRock Clan made 10 tanks to farm raids with SOS and Flame OMG lets report that.
Yes players its true some of us we feed in oly, we do class based matches, we log 2 3 4 accounts to make matches when other players going in, we play with the time, we win you and we give our points to are alt chars after that, some of us we made alts to take heroes that noone exist to take them, some of us we have 2 hero chars. You want all that to stop? Stop cry and join in oly to fight us and gl with that :D
I am RoraN btw.
Actually there was a hero for every single class. There has been forever too. But, I dunno why anyone chars about archers, mages and buffbot heros.