
Password recovery

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Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Password recovery

Hello, as many of you know we have had an issue recently and the passwords of every account were lost, you can check more information in this article.

I will explain what you have to do to recover an account that you don't own the Web account of, for example an account of an old friend that stopped playing in L2Vanir.

First of all you should try to recover it by talking to the owner of the account, but if you can't contact him you should send a PM to Ignis with the following information:

  • Name(ID) of the game account you wish to recover (Not the password, only the account name).
  • Mention if it is one of your acconts or a gifted one.
  • Name(ID) of an account that you have recently logged in to (Not the password, only the account name).

This won't ensure you to recover the account, we will check carefully and make sure that the accounts belongs to you.

Be patient about this, it can take some days.