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mauriciojr's picture
Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 08/22/2012 - 01:31

well this are my sugestions... simple and easy....
1.-a rollback must be done because who will like to play in a server where there are some dudes that play before the opening that are 80+ lvs than me
one thinks:  ill never catch them, why should y play ??? ..... 
the rollback is a good idea to equilibrate the people who plays in the server...
2.- why is luxury shop selling b grade to top a grade items for adena???
the description of the server clearly says freya>>>>> freya!!!!!
3.- i noticed the herb system is a little bit bugged... it drops lots of herbs of life and mana  (this clearly advantages the mages at the time of leveling leaving us the fighters behind)
hope you evaluate my suggestions....
PS: ill keep in touch cya

Sekai's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Game Master
Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: suggestions

1- If you play to catch someone's level... honestly, don't play. And there won't be a rollback, the server has been up for 5 days.
2- Luxury Shop is selling A grade items but not TOP (Nightmare and Majestic are top grade) and we do this because nobody wants to craft A grade, is better to craft S straight.
3- Yes, Mana herbs have a little more % of drop but this doesn't make the fighters be behind.

nitro444's picture
Last seen: 12 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/28/2012 - 10:15
Re: suggestions

[QUOTE]well this are my sugestions... simple and easy....
1.-a rollback must be done because who will like to play in a server where there are some dudes that play before the opening that are 80+ lvs than me  
one thinks:  ill never catch them, why should y play ??? ..... 
the rollback is a good idea to equilibrate the people who plays in the server...
2.- why is luxury shop selling b grade to top a grade items for adena???
the description of the server clearly says freya>>>>> freya!!!!!
3.- i noticed the herb system is a little bit bugged... it drops lots of herbs of life and mana  (this clearly advantages the mages at the time of leveling leaving us the fighters behind)
hope you evaluate my suggestions....
PS: ill keep in touch cya [QUOTE]
1. If you notice Every Retail game allows a sertain amount of people to join for Open/Closed beta these players play before the rest of the world plays and when the game launches they have a head start..... people play the games lucky draw first comes first server they took the time to test and play in the server while no one was in it they helped open the server.. the only reward they obtained was the ability to start before everyone else which in terms, the server was in Open beta meaning ANYONE could of came and tested.. there for making it "FAIR" for everyone.