Trick or Transmutation!

Happy Halloween L2Vanir, it's time for the Trick or Transmutation event! Players must find keys to unlock the mysterious alchemists chests which contain materials needed to craft the 6 different philosopher stones. The philosopher stones are used to summon rare and valuable rewards including s80 weapons, s80 armor, soul crystals up to stage 15, vitality items, noble stones, mounts, giants codex's, element stones and crystals, and head accessories.
Sir Edward the Alchemist has at long last completed his research on philosophers stone creation. He keeps the materials needed to create the philosophers stones in the alchemist chests. He'd love to show you how it's done but the keys were lost during a recent monster attack. If you can find one of the keys you can use it to open an alchemist chest and keep whatever you find inside. Wonderful treasures are to be had by he, or she, who creates a philosophers stone!
This event will run from October 25th to November 3rd.
Good luck!
As a small added event, all players will find themselves rewarded with a scarecrow transformation stick and the chance to receive the Blessing of Vitality buff.
Fri, 10/25/2013 - 09:48
It would be nice to see the possible rewards for each stone. As i recall, the Black and red were the best, i dont remember why tho. The rewards on each stone differ. :p
Arrows.. Arrows everywhere!
Fri, 10/25/2013 - 13:46
Nope. Just nope. Another
Nope. Just nope. Another event which will ruin balance in server's economy. It was bad enough when everyone got few cry 16 and shiit loads of other lvl crys. Adena path flow was ruined by that enough. Server recovered from that and all was on good track. But fuuck no, now u put event when u can drop full weapons, few hours into event and chat is beeing spammed by WTS DYNA WTS ICA etc. Ofc i see the point of this action. When ppl got blocked by their adena making sources(for example mats will just lay in shops till every wep is gone after this event, no KM of Ica weps will be sold etc) they will have to go and buy some GA, coz this shiit is hot. It can be selled any time any price. And no, we wont buy GA. We will just stop playn here. Peace, late.
Fri, 10/25/2013 - 13:48
The rewards are completely
The rewards are completely unique to L2Vanir. The retail event had top A grade weapons in each stone, we removed those and added the dynasty weapon boxes and Icarus weapon boxes. Each stone is almost identical, other than different mounting braclets in each and the element stones and crystals match the color of the stone you create.
Fri, 10/25/2013 - 13:49
Awesome! Thanks for a rapid
Awesome! Thanks for a rapid response. ^^
Arrows.. Arrows everywhere!
Fri, 10/25/2013 - 14:05
Just start the event and there are pll complaining already? Lol cant u see that its for help the news and those that cant play to much? And its ICARUS things, no Vesper.. I'll see it such a problem when vesper things drop from the events. Our clan is being able to help those that are new here and are always asking for soul cry, for example. I know that for some pll can be unhelpfull this events, but I'am very greatfull for it and all from my clan too.
Oh, and if u dont wanna to sell this dyn and icarus things, to dont spam in shout, u can simply broke it and make S cry. :D
Thanks GM to do this events and make server get fun with farm. :)
Fri, 10/25/2013 - 22:03
When you make such an event
When you make such an event it would be nice to tighten up your bot protection system, since I just saw low lvl char botting for keys. (will make a screen next time)
Tue, 10/29/2013 - 12:42
this event is nice ... might ruin the economy alot but .. meh ... i still dont like the fact that when i try to logg all my 6 needed boxes ...after i logg the 3rd one the 4th gets dissconected when attempting to loggin and then i cant logg any more for a while ... about 20 min or less ... its disturbing .. -.- what the hell ..