
Low Population..some thoughts

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Seraphicas's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 07/09/2014 - 17:16
Low Population..some thoughts

Song/Dance- all last 1 hour. Almost completely eliminates the people that would main sws/bd as most will box and buffbot it from town. Also greatly reduces the people that will actively play Nuker/Archer as they can be fully resist stacked and have lower chance of success. Possible solution? 5-10 Min song/dance for resists, 5-10 Min song/dance for SD/SM. People can still buffbot it but they will need to drag them behind. This is a possible fix to greatly increase the poulation for 2 active support classes, 4 nuker classes, 3 archer classes that are RARELY seen here. You could make the same argument for ANY support class really but the most imbalancing is the bd/sws. Lets say we only get 2-3 more ACTIVE players per class, this at those numbers creates another 20 ACTIVE players. People will main them, I did Sws main retail. BD was one of the most popular classes in retail as well, due to the fact you could get good groups.

How often do I see OL/WC active playing? My answer 1! Pantofla. Only guy I've seen personally playing one of these classes other than the buffbots in town. Amazing support classes that are invaluable at mass pvp. Eliminated because we can just lvl one up and box it. Prophets, counter critical. Why bring along a prophet when you can just counter crit buff 1 hour.

This change would not affect the people that already have their buffers lvl'd up, it would only require them to drag it with them and rebuff every 5-10 min for certain ones. The npc buffer could remain the same, this mainly applies to 3rd class change skills. It makes your buff choice more important, do I buff for potential pvp or do I go full on pve buffs.

I see threads on server wipe. This would not be needed with more active players. How many players that still love the game and have possibly checked this server out and have been turned off by their favorite class being useless and nobody wants to group them due to buffbots sitting in town.

This also could potentially increase the number of people playing active healer/recharger classes as well. I can't say I think it would GREATLY increase the poulation of these classes but it would be a good first step to that endeavor.

Soloing raid bosses would be at least slowed due to not being able to apply these buffs for that long, or at the very least make them drag their buff bots along to make it a pain in the ass. This encourages grouping which is what this content was designed for.

The issue with the server is if you like playing a tank/melee classes you got a great home here. Which is why you see nothing but melee classes other than the rare exception. This turns off a lot of people that are looking for the "retail" feel which is advertised here as being close to retail. It's close but these features make it a hard stretch.

Lets face it, most people playing private servers leave if they can't get it easy mode. I've noticed this with the new people that have joined here since I started. I recruited ONE person that made it to 78 without crying for powerlvl because it was too hard. This is easy to lvl. Even after lvl 80. These really arent the type of players you want anyways, let them join and take their donations and they can leave because they probably wont stick around anyways. We want active players that enjoy the game and the MMO aspect of it. As of now it's a solo antisocial server for the most part.

Otherwise just add ALL buffs to the darn npc buffer so we can eliminate the need to box all these buffers. It's stupid really.


Seraphicas's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 07/09/2014 - 17:16
Re: Low Population..some thoughts

Forgot to add this to my previous post. Add Raid boss jewel shadow options to the donate reward area. I like the shadow option you guys have for the two currently offered there. You'll get more donation by doing this and repeat donations for those that cannot acquire it by normal means/patience to wait for olympiad version at the very least.

Seraphicas's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 07/09/2014 - 17:16
Re: Low Population..some thoughts

Also wtf is the deal with needing +3 weapon for olympiad registration? My clan members told me it was to avoid people registering naked for feeding. If you're at the point where u can do olympiad this isnt going to stop ya anyways enchanting a grade +3 can do with medals and or scrolls you already have so what's the point. If they wanna fight naked let them. You can register join match and get nekkid anyways. In my opinion it's not worth your time to implement these features. Its rough going in as a new player anyway, it doesn't stop anything from happening. I am not sure but I hope they dont have any +++ enchant restrictions either, if they put in the effort to get +16's don't punish them for their effort. You queue up and you win or lose. Simple. Want to have a better chance at winning? Put in the effort to ++ your gear.

Damien Dark
Damien Dark's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2014 - 22:19
Re: Low Population..some thoughts

Sera, u are having a nice utopistic view of something that is long forgotten for 99% of the players or who have never even seen it in their life. As all MMO nowadays also L2 turned to easy solo mode style coz it doesn't work any other way. Ppl want everything for free and without any pain - unfortunatelly it turnes them off very quickly and things get boring for them. They count on others to lead them to their fun, their stuff or they loose their interest not being able to do any work to do it themselves.. 

I would love to have a server full of different classes working together, mixed parties mastering their cooperation, ppl trying things out as it should be and was years ago, but for that u need a LOT of ppl. There are only so few ppl who want to play support classes and you need a larger group to get them from. (Forcing clanmembers into playing a certain class becoz nobody plays it on his own doesn't work btw.) This all comes together into one thing: atm Lineage is a mostly solo game with some parties of 2-3 ppl and an occasional bigger raid that u need to cooperate for.

Therefor u need longer bufftimes and buffstations. There will be just no BD who u can take with you and wating for one logging in will take days. Are u sure u would wait for one instead of playing whenever u found a bit of time? I for example am working for my money and don't have time to log when others are around, so often i log middle of the night when there are just a few ppl. And your way would leave me without means of having my relaxation at play, becoz there would be nobody to assist me. 10 minutes long escapades capped by D/S times would make my gametime a pain rather than relaxation. And many ppl have similar "problems" I am sure of.

As much as i would LOVE the comeback of the old days ... it will never happen anymore.  Sad but true ...

... another day another problem ...

Seraphicas's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 07/09/2014 - 17:16
Re: Low Population..some thoughts

Well I understand where you're coming from. Im mainly talking about lvl 76 + skills lasting 1 hour and resists s/d lasting an hour really. I
m brand new to this private server style of play. But you see many archers running around? Nope. How bout mages? Nope. How bout anything other than tanks? Nope. This can be turned around I think, might take a few months, but it can be done. I made a kamael here because I had never played one before. They did not exist when i was playing. I think most the buff times could and maybe should stay the same like you're suggesting man, I just also see how any people that check out the server that want to experience retail like at higher rates are immediately going to leave to find one that suits them. They are out there guys. I just think you can't advertise retail like and add all these features that make it so far from retail you dont see any classes but tanks lol. Before it was archers, but their were still alot of people playing other classes, before that aura flare mages. before that 2 shot daggers w no cp in game yet, etc etc. Remember everyone "if you will build it, they will come"

Seraphicas's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 07/09/2014 - 17:16
Re: Low Population..some thoughts

I think more input from our active playerbase would go a long way here. Lots of views but 1 replay other than my edits and additions. Do any of you really care? I see topics wipe server. Server dead. It doesnt have to be. What changes can we make to get the ball rolling. I got a few friends that dont have a lot of time coming to join server to play with us for tw siege etc. Damien if you ever playing late at night man and want to party for some stuff you can hit me up on Seraphicas anytime. If im not busy with something, Im more than rdy to group up for some content. As it is tho, this server dr=ead bs goin on is directly related to the server setup. Why you think most people left? too fast, too easy, too boring that way. If they experience it like it's supposed to be they will love it man.

Seraphicas's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 07/09/2014 - 17:16
Re: Low Population..some thoughts

The server wipe wouldnt affect me so much as many other people. if thats what has to happen then so be it. I got less to lose than most. I think there's better ways tho.

Lithuenne's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/20/2013 - 20:37
Re: Low Population..some thoughts

In case if you dont see it, those ppl that play tanks in this server, feel so overpowered, that the thought alone makes them think they can do whatever they want, since there aint many classes that can challenge them. I play a rare class here - Moonlight sentinel. I dont want to go into that again, just find a post i made long time ago. And few players, which will remain nameless, who play tank classes, just keep threatening me of taking my hero by feeding a box. This is repeating almost every month. Such behavior alone is a sign of wickedness. One of those few players, even acts as a local bouncer. I have seen him scold a new player more than once, with texts like "u dont have what it takes to play here, gtfo. Thnx, bye.".  I would like to see more ppl coming here, but unless there are real changes regarding elementary rules regarding server's internal matters, like - I AM AN OLD PLAYER HERE AND I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT, AND TAKE ALL WHAT IS YOURS, AND GET AWAY WITH IT.  Even though i play here for a year now, I do not share this thought, as, apparently, im not playing a char which increases the ammount of urine in head, which in return, makes ppl do stupid decisions and delusional thoughts / acts. Regarding Heroes - Boxed heroes - i think it is fine, untill ACTIVE player, who plays the character as MAIN, shows up and claims it. Targetted feeding just to keep active player from acquiring the title should be forbidden. Also, the market prices are really high now. New players have a reallllllly slim chance of even trying to get some gear, not to even speak of good gear. I liked the enchanting event, it, at least, took some money off the moneybag players, who have tonns of adenas, and can buy literally anything, but wont do it :p  About buffers.. I do agree, and disagree. The post above has a great point - instead of waiting for player X to log with his BD, i'd take my own instead and go lvl, because its my time, and if i want to do smtn, i use it, as planned as possible. Still, i'd like to hear more thoughts of how to make this server more populated. OBTW, helping newbie players would help too. 2 days ago I gave a newbie 50kk adenas, to get him at least some starter gear. Ive helped a great many newcomers on this server. I suggest, everyone should do the same, instead of gearing up their twinks. Just a thought here..

Arrows.. Arrows everywhere!

eiencita's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2014 - 08:38
Re: Low Population..some thoughts

Had to say it, all agree with Lithu. I met few but kind people in this server that prefered to help me instead of fullgearing their side accounts; that is the main and only reason of keeping my playtime here...

Is no fun to be told that you can blame your parents anymore.

Seraphicas's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 07/09/2014 - 17:16
Re: Low Population..some thoughts

I have helped new players I got into my clan too, I cant afford it but I want strong clan wars with a lot of people, siege, tw all with a lot of people. I can't afford to do this really as Im barely over 2 weeks in now, but I do it. As it is the changes does not affect you having the dances, it makes it so you have to drag it along. You cant recharge your mp from town out in the field so you have to drag your recharger along or go to town when out of mp and get charged. Why not just give everyone 0 mp cost for skills? Its no different than getting 1 hour buffs from your bd/sws and leaving  town. It severly gimps mage/archer classes. Maybe the REAL solution is to make the in town buffers have ALL buffs available to choose from with 1 hour durations. It does not affect anyone with the buffers already it just gives the new guys an alternative to lvling and boxxing 5 or 6 accounts/toons. I have taken my time out to lvl my own up and am working on them still. no big deal to me. plus the people with buffers can OE the skills if available. Make the in town npc buffers offer all buffs/song/dance at their base values with no enchant. it STILL makes box buffers better because they can oe the buffs. Also, another good point I have here is this. I got my Judicator lvl'd up now. Why doesnt my 15 second buffs last 1 hour? Would it be too overpowered? It doesnt seem to matter to any of the other classes that those song/dance affects and makes them gimp. So shouldnt my kamael buffs last 60 min as well? Why should it be any different for anyone else.

Martynas's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2012 - 12:41
Re: Low Population..some thoughts

I hope you meant that you used to be MoonlightSentinel hero?..


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