Hi Guys,
As some of you know I was MIA for about 6 months. Now I am back. I noticed that two things were changed that really suck. Baium and OLY. Now, since two things were changed negatively can we do some things positively? Sekai, I hope you read this and take this serious.
1. Add shadow hats to the GA shop. Either free or minimal GA. (I have been asking this for 2 years now)
2. Add Zaken, Freya and Tezza cloak quest. 10 wins and you get the cloak. I think this addition would be really nice for the server.
3. Add Vesper Noble bonus. In Freya Vesper Noble was never complete. You only get Noble so you can wear the cloak. Adding the bonus that was originally intended would make vesper heavy more relevant. http://www.lineage2media.com/S84%20Vesper%20Armor%20Bonuses.html
I would have chosen to make a voting post, but that is not possible on this forums. No drastic changes should be made without the community voting. That also gives the community the "thought" they matter. Making drastic changes to certain areas of a sever that has been the same way for years without asking the community is an absolute poor management decision. (Like taking away NPC buffs without notice)
Please post below your thoughts. Thank you and see you in GC lower for PvP Mr FA.