
Event Suggestions!

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Truepowah's picture
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Re: Event Suggestions!

I suggest double xp events more often, what this server needs in my opinion is people to grow up, so they feel they have worked on their chars, and they won't leave server. And the more the people grows the more they farm, and more trades in server overall, its very hard to make deals for armors and weapons now, what makes the server less attractive for new players.

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee"

Dwarfii's picture
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Joined: 11/14/2012 - 04:10
Re: Event Suggestions!

Hello, i read alot about exp/sp events but i havent seen any drop/spoil here, could be nice if you think a little bit about dwarfs too xD jejeje, also i want to suggest a change in the round tvt, cause when the rounds finish your skills are not setted up again, like UD and those, i think if there is a new round you should be able to fight it with all your strenght. :P

skrobek's picture
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Re: Event Suggestions!

So what u want to see Dwarfii are tanks running on 90 sec of constant udefs? destros using zealot + frenzy every round? or mages 1shot whole parties with their specials?
IMO its a bad idea to reset cooldowns after each round, people will have to be smarter to win, not only F1+F2 => next round

and about exp events, Truepowah is right, even if you dont want to do such events every week, at least you could make vitality easier to find (more vita pops, limited time aghations with vitality buffs, few options of rewards for events like vitality/apiga not only apiga) so new players dont get bored so fast + its a huge boost for server economy

Dedix's picture
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Re: Event Suggestions!

would be nice if make ctf, zombies, teasture openers, events and +

Event  -  High LVL                                                        Event  - Low LVL


Winner - 1200 EA                                              Winner - 600EA + 100% VIT
2nd - 800EA                                                           2nd - 300EA + 80% VIT
3rd - 500EA                                                            3rd - 150EA + 50% 
Other people - 150EA                                      Other people - 50EA + 25% VIT

2.TVT Round Domination

Winners Team - 500EA                                    Winners Team - 250EA + 100%VIT
Lost Team - 200EA                                          Lost Team - 100EA + 50% VIT

3.TVT Kill joy

Winners Team - 500EA                                    Winners Team - 250EA + 100%VIT
Lost Team - 200EA                                          Lost Team - 100EA + 50% VIT

4.Last Hero 

Winner - 1200EA                                              Winner - 600EA + 100% VIT
2nd - 800EA                                                          2nd - 300EA + 80% VIT
3rd - 500EA                                                           3rd - 150EA + 50% VIT
Other people - 150EA                                       Other people - 50EA + 25% VIT

And make 5. CTF ( captre the flag ) event

Winners Team - 500EA                                    Winners Team - 250EA + 100%VIT
Lost Team - 200EA                                          Lost Team - 100EA + 50% VIT

I hope you like my idea ^^

Azzinoth's picture
Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2012 - 18:11
Re: Event Suggestions!

This summer swuash event isnt as funn as i and some friends from my clan were execting.... still.... the master yoghy enchant event wold be nice but with good rewards if possible... also that race from town to town sounds nice im shure all people will choose treasure hunters...... pfff.... aniway the treasure hunting one sounds reall good .... theese are my suggestions , hope youll consider adleast one :) with great respect: Azzinoth


Starva's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2012 - 19:49
Re: Event Suggestions!

I have two ideas for events. First I saw on semi role-play server, and that was very nice thing. Players enjoyed it very much, and it revitalised many old, forgotten hunting grounds (forgotten becouse of their low exp, drops, spoil etc).

The event consist on random dropped items on whole world. Items lay in many, random (?) places and can be picked up by everyone. Items had glitter effect, like "freshly" dropped ones, becouse it was hard to spot them. Items value was... medium... It were some d-grade crystals, hair accesory, potion, or some items. I remember that, one time, I found BW helmet (it was low rate server, so that was valuable thing). Items were hard to find, because most of them were placed in less populated areas. Also it was hard to find them, becouse there wasnt many of them. I remember that i was founding about once, twice a week (playing about 2-3h a day). I think, that was because too many items laying on the ground could make server laggy. Whole event was more like "surprise when farmig", not to make ppl run everywhere like child with full bladder, and search for hidden treasures.
I remember, that ppl enjoyed this event, and i think, that it could cheer many players here...

Second one is mine: Server could initiate similar event: GM say in system chat (azure, pale blue colour I mean, idk what is name of it) that he dropped very valuable item somewhere. Gives some hint - difficult, enigmatic one (like: "it lies near tower of knowledge, where famous soup is prepared" - thats for mimirs cottage, from mimirs quest hint (i know its stupid, but thats only my fast suggestion)) - and let the ppl search. Of course items should be valuable to make ppl want to search it (maybe vesper item? large pack of element crystals? minor epic jew? its just my suggestions)

Hope you think about these two suggestions:) And I hope my Engrrish and syntax of the sentence were not so bad:)

edit: Now Ive seen that Klauder outstriped me with treasure hunting event. So I hope, that my repeated post concluded it.

Aka Starvation

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Event Suggestions!

Can you look at adding something to TvT events?

Can you make it impossible to attack someone on your own team?  Some clan to be named later attacks people on their own team to help the other team if their clan is on the other team.  I think this should not be allowed to happen.  Maybe make your own team un-hitable or something?  What do you think Ignis?

Chaotic's picture
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Re: Event Suggestions!


DenS's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 11/15/2013 - 23:22
Re: Event Suggestions!

Add a Clone event
*From a specific time, makes random players spawn an evil clone with higher status increased for a gang on him, and when killed gives you the reward
Imagine a wave of clones inside towns :D (you can control the quantity)

Also making the prizes more special, ppl would fight and join more often in events, for exemple: adding BEAD~BEAS and BEWD~BEWS, even the normal enchants on the NPC
Right now the only worthful prize to get is the Stones/Crystals, because once you get lvl 85, you dont need Revita anymore, and you have to agree that agathions/accessories are just decorative and useless for growth in server :D (but I still love them)

Before any player here think that I dont wanna kill RBs for my BEAS/BEWS, I dont want them to make it easy, just wanna make it possible to buy, players will join events more often for reward and suddenly they will be tradin adena between themself selling e. apigas/rewards (its a good cycle for adena too)

Ohh also on the tittle of the event when its up to sign, make the announce tell you what kind event of event are you joining

Shillien Templar 85 - Oriaxz
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loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Event Suggestions!

I think those are good suggestions DenS.
