
Event Suggestions!

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Dr.Joint's picture
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Re: Event Suggestions!

I would personally change the place of the TvT event to coliseum :)

DenS's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 11/15/2013 - 23:22
Re: Event Suggestions!

There we go another suggestion, after I join events

When join events, spawn players with changed names, no clan crest and unnable to chat (unless its in party)
Contestant 1, Contestant 2, Contestant 3... etc

Shillien Templar 85 - Oriaxz
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loar's picture
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Re: Event Suggestions!

I would like random spawning epic mobs that drop either decent gear or random goofy stuff.  Even hats that are not the crap in all other events we have.

Ones that would possibly require server participation to kill it.

Something besides rabbits and elpis.

sdouvvv's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/08/2013 - 12:36
Hunting Event

First of all everyone can participate lvl 1 - 85.
3 - 5 players are upgrated by the GM team (only for the Event) with top armors ++ and weapons. That players have a mission to start run from a place to another. (f.e. from Giran town to Goddard town) or from different places to the final place (f.e. 1 from Giran, 1 from Dion and 1 from Gludio and they must go to Goddard)
All other players have as mission to stop them and kill them.
The players that are running can kill also but always with the risk that they can die also.
Each time that one of the runners dies he drop the rewards (as a Raid Boss) and the player that killed him and his party are able to pick them.
All players that will participate on that event can take 1 reward like a hat or something for the participation.
And if the runners finish their mission they can take a box gift or something as reward.

Best Regards,

Sekai's picture
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Joined: 08/06/2012 - 18:52
Re: Event Suggestions!

I have read all your ideas but I think some are dificult to implement though...

I had another idea aswell, it as to modify the drop of a random mob in a particular zone everytime we do the event for example Monastery of Silence, Silent Valley... even in newbie zones, so everyone has to kill mobs and the one who kills the mob with the modified loot will win the loot and be announced.

For example, I can say "One Gremlin hides an awesome drop! Who will find it?" Then players must run to starting zones and kill Gremlins until someone finds the "event" Gremlin.

Keep giving ideas in this thread and Ignis will pick the best ones!

Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/09/2013 - 01:02
Re: Event Suggestions!

Lol, that would be interesting to see roran's event in action :D
I thought of maybe not 3 loners to run as some kind of RBs, but probably some whole parties.
What i can see happening is, say, someone names a zone - not very huge, but with some space left for tactical opportunities - some dungeon/caves with not very b1tchy mobs :P (suggested - forgotten temple or low-lvl catacombs, LOA could do if cleaned of mobs somehow)
The idea is that we'll have a few parties grouped up and rolling around the zone. Each party leader will have an item - some hat or other unique thingies, one of 3 types. Other parties shouldn't know which of 3 items other pl have, but overall there should be at least one complete set of 3 items in all parties. As soon as a party got killed, the pl should pass all of his event items to the victorious party leader. So what your party got to do is to hunt others in order to try and complete your set of all 3 items - the first ones to do so get the reward.
The parties could be either premade or made with draft system - the same we had on coli - the amount of players in a party would depend on the amount of participants.

P.S. Hope i've mannaged to expalin that properly :D

Lithuenne's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
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Re: Event Suggestions!

daggers, and speedy classes can win that event with little effort, lol. Lots of players nearby? Hide! .i. everyone.. :x unfair advantage. Then, kamaels.. two jumps and its out of shooting range of almost any ranged class. when it cools down, its out for sure. gg.

Please do the SIMON SAYS! :D

Arrows.. Arrows everywhere!

Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/09/2013 - 01:02
Re: Event Suggestions!

Naah, the idea is to pvp, not merely run. SLHs are not killing anybody with their jumps yet :D

Lithuenne's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 07/20/2013 - 20:37
Re: Event Suggestions!

if i'd be the runner, i'd run . Especially when facing infinately more players.

Arrows.. Arrows everywhere!
