
Olympiad.. Retail like?

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VERCOSKUYU's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
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Olympiad.. Retail like?

First in every time we are happy to say our server is retail like and we proud of this. now wtf is wrong with olympiad..

First you put a rule with +3 weapon.. most of time even my main weapon isnt +3 cause broke too much, so i need to change it to register.. well ok all using this change weapon register go back to normal weapon...

but really wtf is that now?

  • No singular player feeding ANY character or class hero in the Olympiad class based matches.
  • Olympiad 3v3 matches WILL NOT be fed with parties full of boxes or alts. These matches are for real and active parties only.

We all know its almost impossible to find 5 different player to start class irrevelant match.. ppl never join if boxes dont go in.. And now you saying class base is forbidden with boxes... You know what? its something will never ever gonna happen is vanir 5-6 ppl at same class and all different players register to class base to do it. We cant even make irrevelant, how u expect from ppl to do class base like that?. If boxes not allowed just remove class base from olympiad manager.

Lets talk about 3vs3.. 5 parties required. 5x3=15 active ppl regged. :O im playing here almost 1 year.. I never seen 15 active ppl in olympiad at the same time.. if we got 15 active player who can do olympiad, we can just reg to class irrevelant and thats gonna make 8 rooms going inside at the same time... It could be epic....

If you want that rules to be happen, there will be no more olympiad anymore for sure... Why dont you just block ip for olympiad like in events? Thats also why events never start cause max 5 registered ppl.... Yey!!!! We are retail like, but yeah lets modify rules for olympiad..

Starva's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2012 - 19:49
Re: Olympiad.. Retail like?


Aka Starvation

Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/09/2013 - 01:02
Re: Olympiad.. Retail like?

It could be really wonderfull if there could be organized, say on weekend, some kind of test-mode 3v3 oly with 2 parties required. I do believe it could bring a lot more fun for those who feel like going into oly. I mean it would be tons better than those tvt etc - there could be more or less balanced parties since they are actually premade by players, not randomized. It could even be held without giving out/taking the oly pts for the duration of the test just to avoid any oly abuse :)

Lithuenne's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/20/2013 - 20:37
Re: Olympiad.. Retail like?

Well, I certainly dont like to beg for a victory in oly, considering MS is useless there against ANY tanks. (xcept noobies, but not with advanced equips). I made 5 boxes to run class based, so i do not have to suffer defeat after defeat in pointless fights, which i cant win. If 85% of participants are classes that are OP in some way. I ask for an ultimatum - if you want to balance out oly and stop this crap, make my LETHAL shot actually LETHAL again, with a fair chance. Otherwise, im effectively crippled of one and only skill that could actually help me win a fight in oly against most classes. If im lucky and stun lands, i can kill a soulhound, but usually squishy classes, mages and crap get a nice mcrit and im done, even with my advanced jewels and equips.

Arrows.. Arrows everywhere!

Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/09/2013 - 01:02
Re: Olympiad.. Retail like?

Concerning archers - i don't really think brining them another luck-based skill but stun could make it any more balanced. This would completely ruin daily pvps. Archers are known as ridiculously buff-dependant class and all they really need is a good bow and some supports bringing them love :3 Arbalesters can't give u a stun but can lethal when they have almost none hp left and it also has a considerable cooldown. Archers are good where they are - all the kinds of mass pvp and some raids. You should've been aware of that at the very moment of picking the class. And they are not the only ones, there's a bunch of other non-oly guys in there, say warlords. They were just not meant to be at almost buffless pvp. They might feel tons better in somewhere else, if there are still those who would find playing for the class fun.
Besides, i don’t think u need to "beg" for a win, i am pretty sure u can win one of nine to become shiny ;)
You are not the only archer facing some troubles at the oly stadium and i am quite sure it is still well-balanced within archers class. It is of course unless they got fed ;p

KoS's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 07/02/2013 - 14:31
Re: Olympiad.. Retail like?

What about this ....
Many private servers have a very nice feature for olympiad games ; all enchants are set  to max +6 in oly , this somewhat brings a bit of balance between classes.

I strongly advise Ignis to apply this feature on this server.
You maybe wonder why +6? Well , because at +6 it will be a matter of skill to win the game not who has the most ++++ on items to survive.
Everyone knows a class that has +12-16 on almost all items its very hard , close to impossible to kill.
I bet changing max enchant to +6 in oly will bring more players to the fights since they will know they will actually have a chance to win a game and not to be target practice for overgeared players.

Lithuenne's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 07/20/2013 - 20:37
Re: Olympiad.. Retail like?

I have a couple of suggestions regarding rules. 1st Put them in forum, or add a TIMESTAMP of last changes.
2nd. If they are placed in forum, make them sticky and allways on top - that means visible. So ppl can see when there have been made any changes (thats why there is a timestamp). I and 99% of server probably red the rules on 1st day when they regged, and i bet 95% of those ppl didnt bother to check them ever again. I do from time to time.

About archers.. Dodgy, with Roran, Nicoll, Reload, Nasty and other tanks + titans ruling the oly, it is hard to even get that one fight right. All the stuns in the world cant rly help there. Every evening, There is are at least two tanks that reg oly instantly. Then the wait for others to reg. Chances are, i'll end up against a tank as allways. Another thing - Doombringers, titans, GK's. IF my stun lands, which usually doesnt, even with +30, and full epics, xcept antharas and valakas, i can TRY to kill them, But that still gives 10% chance in total. As i've said, i have managed to win a tank in oly from time to time, but that was because they had like MAX +6 gear, and then only Shillen Templars. I have a Saggittarius hero too, but that one is even harder, considering there is a lack of atk speed ( compared to MS). I still have to invest in that char, but that being said, i really cant see what is the harm of me running my own oly. Someone wont get my points? There are enough to get from other participants, which will probably put up a better fight. And btw, Warlords at oly? PLZ they are op there too. They have numerous stuns, and not to mention revive lol.

So, i demand a LOGICAL and Aesthetical reason and explanation, why i shouldnt run my own class based oly. 

Arrows.. Arrows everywhere!

Starva's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2012 - 19:49
Re: Olympiad.. Retail like?

Well, Freya clearly isnt chronicle for archers.
But imo no1 problem is oly attendance. Sometimes there is no oly whole day. Ppl dont wanna to join it, so many oly gamers log boxs for oly (instant QQ "feeding!") to start any matches. If we manage to have many ppl attending oly, there will be much more chances for weaker chars/classes. But we should encourage players somehow...

Aka Starvation

Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/09/2013 - 01:02
Re: Olympiad.. Retail like?

wow, about +6 limit. That would actually have been great. But limiting that like they do now with +3++ weapon would be kinda cruel. I mean all those +10++ guys will now have to get a new set, pvp-ench it, atri etc. I bet this will make none of them happy :p What i suggest is to simply make any +6++ gear considered as +6 on the oly stadium. Meaning if u have +25 vesper circlet and you are at the oly stadium now, the circlet will give the stats and set bonuses of +6 armor. This might ez up stuff for overenchd guys, give balance for the oly and bring some love for lazy beggars :D

aaand about archers and class-based changes. I remember verco feeding himself 24/7 with class-based oly. It was pretty dirty way to get a hero and in fact he did. Chaos on the other hand played fair and um.. well got kinda pissed off seeing no shiny bubble around him at the beginning of month, although he was clearly better. On the server, vanir, there is hardly any active players to get even 5 ppl for a common oly, so yeah, class-oly could be impossible to get, but the way it is used now is just not right. If you can't get a hero for ur class like everybody does you might just not deserve it.

Sterling's picture
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Game Master
Joined: 12/03/2012 - 01:14
Re: Olympiad.. Retail like?

Dodger, Starvation.. I'd give you both medals or honor right now for seeing the point if I was allowed.

zxqueen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 02/28/2013 - 08:27
Re: Olympiad.. Retail like?

I agree with your issue.. but retail was feed happy.. that's just the way it is until the GoD changes for oly being only 85+. You want hero? you get fed. Now I can still do my thing cuz I never touch class based... you don't like it don't do oly . My thoughts are you cant have your cake and eat it too.. if you don't want feeding at all, then no boxing. Otherwise we will ALWAYS feed. Just like in retail.
